[PYTHON] Qiita can now be viewed on the console (shell)

I didn't want to get out of the black screen. I was scared to leave vim.

qitReader: https://github.com/nocotan/qitReader

You can operate and browse as if you were handling UNIX commands. I used Python.

How to use

Initial authentication required For Qiita access token, log in to Qiita and "Settings"-> "Applications"-> "Personal access token"-> "Issue a new token" You can get it at.

$ python3 qit_reader.py
YOUR ACCESS TOKEN: <your_access_token>
QitReader[user] ~ $
QitReader[user] ~ $ ls
all_items  follow_items  all_tags  follow_tags
QitReader[user] ~ $ cd all_items
QitReader[user] ~/all_items $ ls
[0]Article 1[1]Article 2[2]Article 3......
QitReader[user] ~/all_items $ 0
**************************Content display*************************************

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