[GO] Bitbucket → GitHub migration part 3 ~ CI surroundings ~

This is a record of Mercurial users starting to use Git and being taken care of by GitHub.

I make tools exclusively using Go.

In this article, as a method of automatically releasing with the mechanism of CI, Use GoReleaser on GitHub Actions to set the binary to be uploaded to GitHub Releases for each tag.


If you don't do it separately, it won't affect your future work or success in GitHub Actions.

Rename the default branch on Git (GitHub) [https://qiita.com/e_chan1007/items/ad3e849b7e04fcf42fad), but change the default branch name to main.

In the above article, I've set up to switch branches locally and then push them to change the default branch on GitHub. I don't forget to switch branches locally, so I think that's a good way to do it. __ In any case, it seems that the default branch of GitHub can only be done on the GitHub site. __

If you say "you only need to change on GitHub for the time being", it will be completed on the GitHub site. (Procedure below) However, since I will change the file in connection with GitHub Actions after this, I do not have to worry about completing it on the site.

Create a branch main on GitHub


Enter "main"


At this point, the default branch hasn't changed yet. (↓ "default" is attached to master)


Change default branch

View a list of branches


Click "Change default branch"


Switch to main and press the "Update" button next to it


Go back to the branch list page and click the trash can icon under master


Will be like this


Switch locally

git pull
git switch main

This concludes the branch change procedure.

GitHub Actions

Create and place two files

Create the following two files.

Location of the file to be created


See below for the contents of the file.


It seems that the file name does not have to be release.yml separately.

name: release
    - "v[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Setup Go
        uses: actions/setup-go@v2
      - name: Run GoReleaser
        uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@v2
          version: latest
          args: release --rm-dist
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

It's written exclusively using uses: xxx, but you can use commands like on the shell with run: xxx.

GoReleaser doesn't allow git dirty conditions, so if you download and use the tool with go get, you may need to do run: go mod tidy before running GoReleaser.

Action is executed at the timing of git push --tags. It seems that GoReleaser cannot be released multiple times for the same tag. Also, if the description at the beginning is on: push: branches: --main (line feed omitted), Action was not executed in the first place for some reason.

Added goreleaser.yml

project_name: vvin
  - GO111MODULE=on
    - go mod tidy
  - binary: vvin
      - -trimpath
      - -s -w
      - -X main.Version={{.Version}}
      - -X main.Revision={{.ShortCommit}}
      - CGO_ENABLED=0
      - windows
      - darwin
      - linux
      - amd64
      - 386
      post: upx --lzma '{{ .Path }}'
  - name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_v{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}'
      darwin: darwin
      linux: linux
      windows: windows
      386: 386
      amd64: amd64
      - goos: windows
        format: zip
  prerelease: auto

: heart_eyes: Among the release tools, I'm grateful to be able to add -trimpath and run upx.

If the git tag is v1.2.3, {{.Version}} seems to be 1.2.3.

You can also do goreleaser init to create a template for .goreleaser.yml. Although it is different from the above content.

If you want to add files to the archive

If you want to include various things in the one released on GitHub Releases, add it to archives:.

  - name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_v{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ if .Arm }}v{{ .Arm }}{{ end }}'


      - LICENSE*
      - README*
      - sample.bat

The default for files: seems to be LICENSE *, README *. However, if you write files: as above, that setting seems to disappear, so you need to write it including the default value.


After committing the above changes, git push, add a new tag, and also git push --tags.

Tags are assigned in the format v {Major}. {Minor}. {Patch}. As specified in release.yml set above, it will be executed only when a tag of this format is pushed.



(There are few files, but I changed the above .goreleaser.yml to binaries for Windows only)

Compared to CircleCI

When I was using Mercurial on BitBucket, I was using CircleCI. Since I switched to GitHub, I wanted to experience GitHub Actions, so I switched.

I use CircleCI on a free plan, but GitHub Actions now takes about 30 seconds instead of about 10 seconds.

Also, I think this is a part related to the GoReleaser specification, but it seems that it can not be successfully upgraded to Releases without changing the tag. It's a little stressful if you don't want to change the tag because the function hasn't changed ...

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