It's a memo, so it's miscellaneous.
--Xamarin.Forms + WebView (HTML, JavaScript SPA) Gawa native app --I want to enable / disable the BACK key of an Android application depending on the page state in WebView. --Since the data is being edited (unsaved), it will be a problem if history.back or the application is closed with the Back key.
ʻAction <TaskCompletionSource <bool >> OnRequestIsEnableBackKey {get; set;}
[Forms side] Also grow Task <bool> IsEnableBackKeyAsync ()
in WebViewEx (extended WebView). The implementation is as follows.
public Task<bool> IsEnableBackKeyAsync()
var comp = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
if (OnRequestIsEnableBackKey != null)
return comp.Task;
Four. Create a JavaScriptHandler by referring to Linking JavaScript with WebView of Xamarin.Forms (with iOS / Android common) --Qiita. In addition to Control in the constructor, pass `ʻe.NewElement as WebViewEx. The name of the argument is
WebViewEx outer. The second argument of AddJavascriptInterface should be
Five. Write the code to receive OnRequestIsEnableBackKey in the constructor of JavaScriptHandler.
private TaskCompletionSource<bool> isEnableBackKeyComp = null;
public JavaScriptHandler(Android.Webkit.WebView webView, WebViewEx outer)
outer.OnRequestIsEnableBackKey = comp =>
isEnableBackKeyComp = comp;
//Error if not called from main thread
webView.Post(() =>
webView.EvaluateJavascript("window.requestIsEnableBackKey()", null);
// webView.LoadUrl("javascript:window.requestIsEnableBackKey();");← This is still OK
In the process so far, when ʻawait webViewEx.IsEnableBackKeyAsync ()
is called on the Forms side, the JavaScript
window.requestIsEnableBackKey ()
`function is called.
public void onResultIsEnableBackKey(bool value)
isEnableBackKeyComp = null; // one shot
Calling GawaApp.onResultIsEnableBackKey (true or false)
on the JavaScript side will call back this method.
If you set a value to isEnableBackKeyComp, which is a TaskCompletionSource, the result of ʻawait webViewEx.IsEnableBackKeyAsync ()
on the Forms side will be returned.
window.requestIsEnableBackKey = () => {
//Processing something
GawaApp.onResultIsEnableBackKey(true or false);
I implemented it halfway, but I quit it because it was troublesome (I thought that unidirectional JavaScript → C # would be simpler), so I will leave only the idea.