Python Socket communication sample / simple data throwing tool

Socket communication sample

Python Socket communication sample. The data transmission itself can be written in a minimum of two lines.

with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, args.p) as nsocket:
	#Connect only for TCP
	if args.p is socket.SOCK_STREAM:
		nsocket.connect((host, port))
	#Data transmission

Simple data throwing tool

An nc command-like, simple data throwing tool with parameters added. Scheduled to be expanded.

import argparse
import socket

#Parameter processing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", default=socket.SOCK_STREAM, help="Potocol TCP or UDP")
parser.add_argument("host", help="Hostname or IP Address")
parser.add_argument("port", help="Port number")
parser.add_argument("-m", default='0123456789abcdef' , help="Send data")
parser.add_argument("-f", type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help="Send data from a file")
args = parser.parse_args()

send_data = '0123456789abcdef'
if args.m:
	send_data = args.m.encode()

if args.f:
	send_data =

#Actual communication
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, args.p) as nsocket:
	#Connect only for TCP
	if args.p is socket.SOCK_STREAM:
		nsocket.connect((, int(args.port)))
	#Data transmission
	#Receive response
	data = nsocket.recv(1024)

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