[PYTHON] Scripting with Paver-Command Definition

Paver is a library for easily creating command line tools in Python.

You can easily create command line tools to some extent using Python's standard library such as `ʻargparse``, but Paver makes it much easier to create scripts with subcommands in particular. ..

The Paver original documentation focuses on automating Python packaging, so I'd like to explain it as a task definition and execution tool.


$ easy_install paver

Make a task

If you create a file called pavement.py and then create a function with a decorator called @ task, it becomes a task.


from paver.easy import *

def hello():
    """My first task."""
    print 'hello'

To run the task, run paver task name.

$ paver hello
---> pavement.hello

paver -h also shows the tasks you have defined. docstrin is the description for that command.

$ paver -h
---> paver.tasks.help
Usage: paver [global options] taskname [task options] [taskname [taskoptions]]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -n, --dry-run         don't actually do anything
Tasks from pavement:
  hello          - My first task.

Take an argument

To take an argument, add the decorator @consume_args to the function that defines the task and write the argument ```args``.


from paver.easy import *

def hello(args):
    """My first task."""
    print 'hello', args
$ paver hello foo bar
---> pavement.hello
hello ['foo', 'bar']

Define options

Use the @cmdopts decorator to define options, and the argument ```optionsto receive them. Pass the @cmdoptsdecorator as an argument a list of options defined in tuples in the form (long name, one letter, help) . Adding to the end of a long name gives you the option to take an argument.


from paver.easy import *

    ('foo', 'f', "The foo"), # -f or--foo
    ('bar=', 'b', "Bar bar bar"), # -b xxx or--bar=xxx
def hello(options):
    """My first task."""
    print 'hello', options.foo, options.bar
$ paver hello --foo -b 3
---> pavement.hello
hello True 3

Actually, ```optionsis defined as a global variable of paver.easyeven if it is not taken as an argument, so if you do from paver.easy import * ``, you do not have to take an argument. Can also be used.


from paver.easy import *

    ('foo', 'f', "The foo"),
    ('bar=', 'b', "Bar bar bar"),
def hello():
    """My first task."""
    print 'hello', options.foo, options.bar

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