A way to understand Python duck typing


I've been looking at Python for a year or two, but I haven't got duck typing in my head. I thought of a way to understand.

By the way, Maybe it's because of the textbook I'm using that I don't have in my head. A little dissed article ↓.

Good book "Introduction to Python3", N selections where explanations have failed (N = 3).

Means to understand

it's simple. There are two steps.

Step 1, write the code for an example that you think is duck typing.

Below is the code I wrote. If you can add a minus to the score, -60 (minus 60 points).

sales point,

Why did you write this code? That's because I remembered that duck typing was a matter of course without any features.

class Tori():#bird
    def tobe(self):
    def nake(self):

class Duck(Tori):#Duck
    def nake(self):

class Ahiru(Tori):#duck
    def tobe(self):

duck_1go = Duck()

ahiru_1go = Ahiru()

Step 2, check the correct answer. I wasn't sure, so I asked the wiki for the correct answer.


There was a ruby ​​code example on the wiki. I rewrote it to python.

def test(foo):
class Duck():
    def sound(self):

class Cat():
    def sound(self):

duck_san = Duck()
cat_san = Cat()

A supplementary explanation for the code on the wiki is one line below.

** Notice that the two classes have no inheritance relationship. ** **


You can't think of it just by reading a textbook. If you have any comments, please let us know.

Originally, the background and action of this duck typing is meaningful, but after deepening my understanding. .. ..

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