10 Minutes to Learn APPELPY-Python's Applied Econometrics Library

** Learn in 10 minutes APPEL PY **

This post is a Japanese translation of this notebook.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.api as sm  # for datasets
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import warnings

** Introducing the features of Appelpy. ** **

--Exploratory data analysis --Model estimation --Model diagnosis

Note: This notebook was run using the latest version of Appelpy v0.4.2 and its dependencies.

Model dataset settings

Now let's explore the features of Appelpy using one of the richest datasets in econometrics. The California Test Score Data Set (** Caschool **).

Load the dataset with Pandas and get the data with the Statsmodels method.

# Load data
df = sm.datasets.get_rdataset('Caschool', 'Ecdat').data
# Add together the two test scores (total score)
df['scrtot'] = df['readscr'] + df['mathscr']
distcod county district grspan enrltot teachers calwpct mealpct computer testscr compstu expnstu str avginc elpct readscr mathscr scrtot
0 75119 Alameda Sunol Glen Unified KK-08 195 10.900000 0.510200 2.040800 67 690.799988 0.343590 6384.911133 17.889910 22.690001 0.000000 691.599976 690.000000 1381.599976
1 61499 Butte Manzanita Elementary KK-08 240 11.150000 15.416700 47.916698 101 661.200012 0.420833 5099.380859 21.524664 9.824000 4.583333 660.500000 661.900024 1322.400024
2 61549 Butte Thermalito Union Elementary KK-08 1550 82.900002 55.032299 76.322601 169 643.599976 0.109032 5501.954590 18.697226 8.978000 30.000002 636.299988 650.900024 1287.200012
3 61457 Butte Golden Feather Union Elementary KK-08 243 14.000000 36.475399 77.049202 85 647.700012 0.349794 7101.831055 17.357143 8.978000 0.000000 651.900024 643.500000 1295.400024
4 61523 Butte Palermo Union Elementary KK-08 1335 71.500000 33.108601 78.427002 171 640.849976 0.128090 5235.987793 18.671329 9.080333 13.857677 641.799988 639.900024 1281.700012

Inspect the data

Now that we have the data, let's take a closer look at the distribution of some key variables before modeling.

Appelpy has a ** ʻeda` module ** (exploratory data analysis).

from appelpy.eda import statistical_moments

Get all the statistical moments at once.

  1. Average
  2. Distributed
  3. Skewness (default is Fisher)
  4. Kurtosis
mean var skew kurtosis
distcod 67472.8 1.20201e+07 -0.0307844 -1.09626
enrltot 2628.79 1.53124e+07 2.87017 10.2004
teachers 129.067 35311.2 2.93254 11.219
calwpct 13.246 131.213 1.68306 4.58959
mealpct 44.7052 735.678 0.183954 -0.999802
computer 303.383 194782 2.87169 10.7729
testscr 654.157 363.03 0.0916151 -0.254288
compstu 0.135927 0.00421926 0.922369 1.43113
expnstu 5312.41 401876 1.0679 1.87571
str 19.6404 3.57895 -0.0253655 0.609597
avginc 15.3166 52.2135 2.21516 6.53212
elpct 15.7682 334.375 1.4268 1.4354
readscr 654.97 404.331 -0.0583962 -0.358049
mathscr 653.343 351.72 0.255082 -0.159811
scrtot 1308.31 1452.12 0.0916149 -0.254288

Model estimation

At the core of Appelpy is to model the phenomena in the dataset.

The ** linear_model ** module contains classes for modeling data. Example: OLS (Ordinary Least Squares)

from appelpy.linear_model import OLS

** Here is a recipe for estimating a linear model. ** **

  1. Create two lists, y_list and X_list, for the dependent variable (y) and the independent variable (X).
y_list = ['scrtot']
X_list = ['avginc', 'str', 'enrltot', 'expnstu']
  1. Fit the model in one line by passing the model's dataframe and two lists as input to the OLS object.
model_nonrobust = OLS(df, y_list, X_list).fit()
  1. Get the result of the key model with the model_selection_stats attribute, including the root mean square error (Root MSE).
{'root_mse': 25.85923055850994,
 'r_squared': 0.5438972040191434,
 'r_squared_adj': 0.5395010324916171,
 'aic': 3929.1191674301117,
 'bic': 3949.320440986499}

Get a summary of Statsmodels with the results_output attribute ...

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: scrtot R-squared: 0.544
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.540
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 123.7
Date: Mon, 04 May 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 2.05e-69
Time: 18:32:26 Log-Likelihood: -1959.6
No. Observations: 420 AIC: 3929.
Df Residuals: 415 BIC: 3949.
Df Model: 4
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 1312.9203 27.833 47.171 0.000 1258.208 1367.632
avginc 3.8640 0.185 20.876 0.000 3.500 4.228
str -1.3954 0.893 -1.563 0.119 -3.150 0.359
enrltot -0.0016 0.000 -4.722 0.000 -0.002 -0.001
expnstu -0.0061 0.003 -2.316 0.021 -0.011 -0.001
Omnibus: 7.321 Durbin-Watson: 0.763
Prob(Omnibus): 0.026 Jarque-Bera (JB): 7.438
Skew: -0.326 Prob(JB): 0.0243
Kurtosis: 2.969 Cond. No. 1.39e+05

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.39e+05. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

... Now it's finally easy to get the results of a standardized model using the results_output_standardized attribute.

# This is a Styler object; add .data to access the underlying Pandas dataframe
Unstandardized and Standardized Estimates
coef t P>|t| coef_stdX coef_stdXy stdev_X
avginc +3.8640 +20.876 0.000 +27.9209 +0.7327 7.2259
str -1.3954 -1.563 0.119 -2.6399 -0.0693 1.8918
enrltot -0.0016 -4.722 0.000 -6.3035 -0.1654 3913.1050
expnstu -0.0061 -2.316 0.021 -3.8364 -0.1007 633.9371

The output is similar to Stata's listcoef command.

Model diagnosis

Call the diagnostic_plot method of the model object to display many visual ** regression diagnostics: **.

--pp_plot: P-P plot -- qq_plot: Q-Q plot --rvp_plot: Plot of residuals and predicted values --rvf_plot: Plot of residuals and measured values

Appelpy's ** diagnostics ** module has a suite of classes and functions for regression diagnostics.

--If visual diagnostics are not enough, call other methods like heteroskedasticity_test to do a formal test.

--Are there any observations that pollute the model? Pass the model object to the BadApples class to see the points of influence, outliers, and high leverage.


** Here is a recipe for a 2x2 set of diagnostic plots. ** **

fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10))
model_nonrobust.diagnostic_plot('pp_plot', ax=axarr[0][0])
model_nonrobust.diagnostic_plot('qq_plot', ax=axarr[1][0])
model_nonrobust.diagnostic_plot('rvf_plot', ax=axarr[1][1])
axarr[0, 1].axis('off')


Good grief. The specified model has a special problem with test scores above 1350.

There seems to be a non-constant variance in the RVF plot.

It's probably homoscedastic, but let's do a more specific test.


from appelpy.diagnostics import heteroskedasticity_test

Call one of several ** homoscedasticity tests . Example: - Breusch-Pagan * (default for Stata's hettest command) - Breusch-Pagan studentized * (default for R's bptest command) -* White * (Stata's hettest, white command)

bp_stats = heteroskedasticity_test('breusch_pagan', model_nonrobust)
print('Breusch-Pagan test :: {}'.format(bp_stats['distribution'] + '({})'.format(bp_stats['nu'])))
print('Test statistic: {:.4f}'.format(bp_stats['test_stat']))
print('Test p-value: {:.4f}'.format(bp_stats['p_value']))
Breusch-Pagan test :: chi2(1)
Test statistic: 2.5579
Test p-value: 0.1097
bps_stats = heteroskedasticity_test('breusch_pagan_studentized', model_nonrobust)
print('Breusch-Pagan test (studentized) :: {}'.format(bps_stats['distribution'] + '({})'.format(bps_stats['nu'])))
print('Test statistic: {:.4f}'.format(bps_stats['test_stat']))
print('Test p-value: {:.4f}'.format(bps_stats['p_value']))
Breusch-Pagan test (studentized) :: chi2(1)
Test statistic: 11.3877
Test p-value: 0.0225

The Studentized Breusch-Pagan test is considered more robust and shows a significant difference from the initial hypothesis of homoscedasticity, so let's fit it to a model with the Heteroskedastic-Robust standard error (HC1 error). ..

model_hc1 = OLS(df, y_list, X_list, cov_type='HC1').fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: scrtot R-squared: 0.544
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.540
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 78.60
Date: Mon, 04 May 2020 Prob (F-statistic): 1.36e-49
Time: 18:32:27 Log-Likelihood: -1959.6
No. Observations: 420 AIC: 3929.
Df Residuals: 415 BIC: 3949.
Df Model: 4
Covariance Type: HC1
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
const 1312.9203 29.364 44.711 0.000 1255.367 1370.474
avginc 3.8640 0.240 16.119 0.000 3.394 4.334
str -1.3954 0.932 -1.498 0.134 -3.221 0.430
enrltot -0.0016 0.000 -5.794 0.000 -0.002 -0.001
expnstu -0.0061 0.003 -2.166 0.030 -0.012 -0.001
Omnibus: 7.321 Durbin-Watson: 0.763
Prob(Omnibus): 0.026 Jarque-Bera (JB): 7.438
Skew: -0.326 Prob(JB): 0.0243
Kurtosis: 2.969 Cond. No. 1.39e+05

[1] Standard Errors are heteroscedasticity robust (HC1)
[2] The condition number is large, 1.39e+05. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

What are the significant regressors (independent variables) now?

['avginc', 'enrltot', 'expnstu']

The str (student-teacher ratio) and ʻexpnstu` regressors are especially relevant for investing in students. You can do a ** Wald test ** to test if the two regressors are together and significantly different from 0.

from appelpy.diagnostics import wald_test
wald_stats = wald_test(model_hc1, ['str', 'expnstu'])
print('Wald test :: {}'.format(wald_stats['distribution'] + '({})'.format(wald_stats['nu'])))
print('Test statistic: {:.4f}'.format(wald_stats['test_stat']))
print('Test p-value: {:.4f}'.format(wald_stats['p_value']))
Wald test :: chi2(2)
Test statistic: 4.7352
Test p-value: 0.0937

Not surprisingly, the standard error of some variables is higher for the HC1 error than for the non-robust error.

pd.concat([pd.Series(model_nonrobust.results.bse, name='std_error_nonrobust'),
           pd.Series(model_hc1.results.bse, name='std_error_hc1')], axis='columns')
std_error_nonrobust std_error_hc1
const 27.833430 29.364467
avginc 0.185093 0.239715
str 0.892703 0.931541
enrltot 0.000341 0.000278
expnstu 0.002613 0.002794

Anomalous observations: leverage, outliers, and influence

Let's inspect the observed results.

--High influence --High leverage --Outliers

from appelpy.diagnostics import BadApples

Set up an instance of BadApples using a model object.

bad_apples = BadApples(model_hc1).fit()

Let's plot the leverage value against the square of the normalized residuals.

The observations in the upper right quadrant have higher than average leverage and residual values (that is, the most influential observations in the model).

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,7))



Leverage values are stored in the measures_leverage attribute.

48     0.113247
34     0.085633
404    0.076762
413    0.065741
159    0.061353
Name: leverage, dtype: float64

Let's take a look at the five most leveraged observations.

scrtot avginc str enrltot expnstu
48 1261.099976 12.109128 19.017494 27176 5864.366211
34 1252.200012 11.722225 21.194069 25151 5117.039551
404 1387.900024 55.327999 16.262285 1059 6460.657227
413 1398.200012 50.676998 15.407042 687 7217.263184
159 1294.500000 14.298300 20.291372 21338 5123.474121
avginc str enrltot expnstu
48 -0.443884 -0.329278 6.273077 0.870684
34 -0.497428 0.821246 5.755585 -0.308182
404 5.537230 -1.785664 -0.401163 1.811299
413 4.893572 -2.237740 -0.496228 3.004803
159 -0.140922 0.344087 4.781167 -0.298032

These highly leveraged points have at least one independent variable that is at least 4 standard deviations away from the mean.


The BadApples object calculates a heuristic to determine if the scale value is "extreme".

Extreme indexes are stored in attributes, for example outliers are stored in ʻindices_outliers`.

[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 37, 38, 47, 134, 370, 392, 403, 404, 415, 417]

Outlier heuristics: If the absolute value of the standardized residuals or the absolute value of the studentized residuals is greater than 2, the observations are outliers.

print(f"Proportion of observations as outliers: {len(bad_apples.indices_outliers) / len(df):.4%}")
Proportion of observations as outliers: 4.2857%

Due to its heuristics, less than about 5% of the observed values are expected to be considered outliers.


Also consider various influence measurements such as Cook's distance, dffits and dfbeta.

bad_apples.measures_influence.sort_values('cooks_d', ascending=False).head()
dfbeta_const dfbeta_avginc dfbeta_str dfbeta_enrltot dfbeta_expnstu cooks_d dffits_internal dffits
404 0.010742 -0.811324 0.068295 0.061925 0.039761 0.152768 -0.873981 -0.882753
403 0.024082 -0.529623 0.016131 0.031978 0.026944 0.063718 -0.564440 -0.567338
413 0.074297 -0.373064 0.013021 0.033955 -0.099557 0.044116 -0.469661 -0.470876
38 -0.277356 -0.193382 0.217223 -0.136237 0.315817 0.030955 -0.393412 -0.397701
415 -0.157629 0.099707 0.045684 -0.026836 0.249169 0.025414 0.356468 0.357936

wrap up

--Load the dataset and preprocess it in Pandas. --Appelpy ** ʻeda**: Inspect the model dataset with useful functions such as statistical moments. --Appelpy ** modeling **.Linear_modelcontains classes such as OLS and WLS for model estimation. Use a short recipe for each model to access model estimates. --Appelpy **diagnostics**: Checks if model estimates are valid with diagnostic plots, statistical tests, and diagnostics such asBadApples` for impact analysis.

Let's check other features as well.

--Logistic regression (under discrete_model) --DummyEncoder and InteractionEncoder classes

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