2. Multivariate analysis spelled out in Python 5-3. Logistic regression analysis (stats models)


Effective P No effect 1-P Odds P/(1-P)
Chemical A 0.2 0.8 0.250
Chemical B 0.05 0.95 0.053

Odds ratio

Relationship between odds ratio and regression coefficient in logistic regression

To consider **, let's assume a model that predicts the pass / fail of the test (1 if pass, 0 if fail) from the number of study hours. ** **

⑴ Import library

#Library used for numerical calculation
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats

#Library for drawing graphs
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns

#Library for estimating statistical models
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import statsmodels.api as sm

#Specifying the number of display digits
%precision 3

⑵ Data reading and confirmation

#Data acquisition
url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yumi-ito/sample_data/master/6-3-1-logistic-regression.csv'

#Data reading
df = pd.read_csv(url)

# #Output the first 5 lines of data


#Output basic statistics of data
df.describe().apply(lambda s: s.apply(lambda x: format(x, 'g')))


#Draw bar chart
sns.barplot(x = "hours", y = "result", data = df, palette='summer_r')


pass_rate = df.groupby("hours").mean()


(3) Model estimation and confirmation of results

#Estimate the model
mod_glm = smf.glm(formula = "result ~ hours",
                  data = df,
                  family = sm.families.Binomial()).fit()
#Output summary of estimation results


#Draw a regression curve
sns.lmplot(x = "hours", y = "result",
           data = df,
           logistic = True,
           scatter_kws = {"color": "green"},
           line_kws = {"color": "black"},
           x_jitter = 0.1, y_jitter = 0.02)


#Arithmetic progression with column name hours(0~9)Create a DataFrame for
predicted_value = pd.DataFrame({"hours": np.arange(0, 10, 1)})

#Calculate the predicted pass rate
pred = mod_glm.predict(predicted_value)


⑷ Find the log odds ratio and compare it with the coefficient

#Get 1 hour and 2 hour pass rates
pred_1 = pred[1]
pred_2 = pred[2]

#Calculate the odds for each
odds_1 = pred_1 / (1 - pred_1)
odds_2 = pred_2 / (1 - pred_2)

#Calculate log odds ratio
print("Log odds ratio:", round(sp.log(odds_2 / odds_1), 3))

#Calculate the coefficients of the model
value = mod_glm.params["hours"]
print("Model coefficients:", round(value, 3))


#Take the regression coefficient exp
exp = sp.exp(mod_glm.params["hours"])
print("Coefficient exp:", round(exp, 3))

#Calculate odds ratio
odds = odds_2 / odds_1
print("Odds ratio:", round(odds, 3))


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