Matcher often used in RSpec

This post summarizes the matchers I often use in RSpec.

"RSpec git URL" 「Relish

  1. include include is a matcher that verifies that the expect argument contains the include argument.
describe "Sports" do
  it "Baseball is included in sports" do
     expect(["baseball", "Football", "rugby", "tennis"]).to include("baseball")

If you run this test code, the test succeeds'' because the array contains baseball'' as expected. 2. eq eq is a matcher that ensures that the expect argument and the eq argument are equal.

describe "addition" do
  it "1 +The calculation result of 1 is equal to 2." do
     expect(1 + 1).to eq(2)      # 1 + 1 = 2 =>correct

If you run this test code, the test succeeds'' because 1 + 1is equal to 2`` as expected.

  1. be_valid be_valid is a matcher that ensures that the return value when performing validation is true.
#Up to 5 characters for user nickname in validation
it "Nickname can be registered if it is 5 characters or less" do
  user.nickname = "AIUEO"      #Overwrite nickname
  expect(user).to be_valid       # be_Determine if user can be registered with valid

If you run this test code, the test succeeds'' because nicknameis 5 characters or less`` as expected.

  1. have_content expect(page).to have_content('X') It is a matcher that determines whether there is a character string X in the visited page. page stores as much information as you can see on the page you visited. For example, if the page has a button labeled "Login", the string information "Login" is stored in page. However, the character string that can be seen only by hovering the cursor is not included in page.
#Make sure there is a "login button" on the login page
expect(page).to have_content('Login')

There is also a have_no_content matcher that is the opposite of have_content and makes sure that the string doesn't exist.

  1. have_link expect (" element"). to have_link'button string', href: "link path" A matcher that confirms that there is a link that fits in the element. Also, have_link is used for a element.
#There is a path to log in on the login page
expect(page).to have_link 'Login', href: new_user_session_path  #This code uses page instead of element.

There is also a have_no_link matcher that is the opposite of have_link and confirms that there is no applicable link. expect (" element"). To have_no_link'button string', href: "link destination path" to make sure there are no applicable links in the element.

  1. change expect {"some action"} .to change {" something that changes in number"}. By (X) It is a matcher to check how many (X) numbers change.
#Click the "Post" button on the page_Click with on method
expect{ click_on "Post" }.to change { Tweet.count }.by(1)   #Tweet model record count goes up by one
#Check how many changes for the variable a
expect { a += 1 }.to change { a }.by(1)            #Validate increase / decrease of value with relative value
# => a = 2     
expect { a += 3 }.to change { a }.from(2).to(5)    #Verify what the state has changed from
# => a = 5 (a changes from 2 to 5)


As for the RSpec matchers introduced this time, I learned that there are still many matchers while studying only a small part. I would like to continue to post new findings and lessons learned. If you have any mistakes, please let us know in the comments.

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