Mounting samba on Linux. Until it mounts at startup.

I want to mount samba. Anyway, I want to mount it at startup.

The environment is Raspberry Pi OS 10.7 of Raspberry Pi 4 Since I started studying the samba server, a summary of what I did before mounting it. I mounted it with the mount command → described it in fstab and mounted it automatically at startup.

Basics of mount command

The basis of the mount command is

$ mount -t <File system type> <device> <Mount point>

Type to be specified with option-t

The option -t specifies the type of file system. What is a file system? The type that should be specified in the samba mount this time is `` `-t cifs```.

In order to specify cifs in the file system, cifs-utils must be installed, so let's check it for the time being.

$ apt list cifs-utils
List display...Done
cifs-utils/stable,now 2:6.8-2 armhf [Installation complete]

Mostly it should be installed with smbclient.

What to specify with option -o

The mount command also has options such as -r`` -w, but it is not used. All other small options are listed after -o, separated by commas, such as -o

mount.cifs options

-If t cifs is specified, mount.Since cifs is called, you have to look at that option.

 I understand that the options available will change because the behavior is different depending on the file system.

 About mount.cifs

 So what you should write after -o is
```-o user=<username>,password=<password>```
 Is the minimum required first.

 + Other candidates to write
 + `rw` (something that allows you to read and write. I didn't work and used ↓)
 + `file_mode = 664` (Specify permissions for mounted files)
 + `Dir_mode = 775` (Specify permissions for mounted directories)
 + `uid = <username>` (Make the mounter an arbitrary user)
 + `gid = <group name>` (make the group of things to be mounted an arbitrary group)

 Let's organize up to this point and connect the parts made up to this point.
```mount -t cifs -o user=<username>,password=<password>,file_mode=664,dir_mode=775```

### Run mount

 In order to mount it, you need a directory in the mounting location, so create it under/mnt.
```# mkdir -m 777 /mnt/<Mount point>```

 You can finally mount it.

mount -t cifs -o user=,password=,file_mode=664,dir_mode=775 /// /mnt/

```$ df -th```

```$ unmount /mnt/<Mount point> ```

## Write in/etc/fstab and mount at startup

 / etc/fstab is a file that describes the device to mount and the file system and is read at boot time.

### fstab basics
 The description is

 `<dump>` is `0 ~ 1`
 `<fsck>` is `0 ~ 2`
 I'll leave that role here, and put both `0`s if you're thinking of mounting samba.

 The rest is the same as the description when mounting with the mount command.
 The file system is `cifs`
 Options are written after `-o`, separated by commas.

### Have systemd automount remote filesystems

 If you want the remote filesystem to be mounted at boot time, let systemd mount it automatically.

 Just write these two options and it will wait for the network to come online and then systemd will mount it nicely.

 I read the technique around here in the fstab page of ArchWiki in an easy-to-understand manner.

### I don't want to write the password in/etc/fstab
 `/ etc/fstab` is probably a file that should be accessible to many people, and I don't want to write the password there.

 In such a case, use the `credentials = <path>` option and prepare a separate file that describes the user and password information so that it can be read.

 This time, I will create a directory called `smb-credentials` in`/etc` and create a file called `.password1` in it.
 Manage your permissions properly.

 The format to be described in `.password1` is as follows.

username= password=

### Description in fstab

 Describe it in `/ etc/fstab`.

/// /mnt/ cifs _netdev,x-systemd.automount,credentials=/etc/smb-credentials/.password1,file_mode=664,dir_mode=775 0 0

 Success if you can mount it with `reboot`.

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