[PYTHON] [blackbird-memcached] Monitor Memcached with blackbird

blackbird memcached plugin

This plugin gets various information from Memcached and sends the data to backend Currently, you can monitor the following information:


blackbird body

Please install by referring to here

Install memcached plugin

You can either use setup.py or rpm.

install with setup.py

git clone https://github.com/Vagrants/blackbird-memcached.git
cd blackbird-memcached
python setup.py install

install with rpm

yum install blackbird-memcached--enablerepo=blackbird

Set plugin

config is in /etc/blackbird/conf.d/memcached.cfg


module = memcached

# The following values are default.
#host = ''
#port = 11211
#timeout = 10

# memcached.py script get response time("set" and "get" command).
# If you set "profile_include_conn_establish" is True, response time includes time that connection establishing.
# Default : False
#profile_include_conn_establish = False

# If hostname options is None, it is used result of socket.getbyhostname(= hostname -s).

Please set host and port

If profile_include_conn_establish is True, the response time measurement starts with connecting to Memcached. In the case of False, the response time measurement starts after connecting.

Reboot blackbird when you're done

sudo /etc/init.d/blackbird restart

Check if data is coming in on Zabbix

Zabbix Templates can be found in github repository Please import to Zabbix and apply to the target server

However, this Template, as usual, has a problem that it cannot be imported if it is 2.4 series due to a dependency error of ** Trigger ** I can import by removing the checkbox in the Trigger part when importing ...

** If the host name on Zabbix and the host name of the server on which blackbird is running are different, you need to set the hostname on /etc/blackbird/conf.d/memcached.cfg ** Please match with Zabbix


hostname = your_static_hostname

You can also change the monitoring interval (default 60 seconds)


interval = 30

About Zabbix Template items

Since the value that can be taken by stats changes depending on the version of Memcached, there may be items that cannot be obtained depending on the version you are running. The Template for _Memcached_1.4 in the github repository is based on the values you can get with Memcached 1.4.20. For example, the version of Memcached in CentOS 6 Base is 1.4.3, so you can get fewer items than 1.4.20. The Template also contains some agent items.

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