[LINUX] Translate PHP_UML --help with google translate

I wanted to study object-oriented. I usually use PHP, but I can't find many tools and it seems that PHPSTORM will automatically generate it, but since it is not in my home environment, I googled and found a tool called PHP_UML. However, I don't know how to use it & I don't understand English, so I decided to translate it.

↓ I found a more useful tool and made it an article.

I found a more useful tool for creating class diagrams and wrote an article. https://qiita.com/tdera/items/1a0dc91d37a89c22d4ba This may be more helpful. ..

I would like to use this to analyze existing frameworks.

PHP_UML It looks like a pretty old tool. .. But it's OK if it works properly. https://pear.php.net/package/PHP_UML

-o directory Output directory path or filename (if not provided, XMI code printed on screen)

-f format, --format=format Output format: "xmi" (default), "html", "htmlnew", "php" For html / htmlnew / php, provide your own XMI file if needed and pass it as argument to phpuml

-x XMI version XMI version to generate (1 or 2)

-n name The name of the generated UML model

-e encoding Output character encoding

--no-deployment-view Disable placement view generation

--no-component-view Disable component view generation

Remove the dollar sign of the variable

--no-docblocks Disable docblock parsing (@ package, @ param ...)

--show-internal Include elements marked with @ internal

--only-api Include only elements marked with @ api

-i pattern, --ignore=pattern Ignore pattern / pathname (example: .svn)

-m pattern, --match=pattern Matching pattern (default is: * .php)

-l errorLevel, --error-level=errorLevel Set the error reporting level (0 silent mode, 1 for PHP errors, exceptions, 2 for all errors, warning)

Use this switch if you need PHP_UML Code that ignores everything non-object oriented

-h, --help Display this help message and exit

-v, --version Display the program version and exit


input Use the PHP file or directory space you want to parse (eg D: / htdocs /) to separate the various entries. By default, PHP_UML parses the current directory.

Example 1 phpuml D: / htdocs / PHP_UML recursively parses D: / htdocs / and displays the XMI code.

Example 2 phpuml / var / www / test -o / tmp -x 1 -n Foo -m * .php6 -i .svn PHP_UML recursively parses / var / www / test and keeps only php6 Exclude files and svn folders. The name of the UML model is "Foo", and the XMI file generated in version 1 is saved in the following location "/tmp/Foo.xmi"

... something weird.

I found it for each tool that makes an image, so I will use it. https://github.com/jakobwesthoff/phuml

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