[PYTHON] Directions when operating Miniconda after a long time


People with poor memory (self-introduction B)

The beginning of the matter

I operated Miniconda after a long time, but I forgot many things, so I will leave a note for myself.

Operating environment

Windows 10 Anaconda3 installed Miniconda installed PyCharm installed

First, launch the prompt

There is an Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda 3), but this is not the case. There is no Miniconda Prompt, so launch a normal command prompt. Press the Windows button, type cmd, and then type Enter.

Launch the Miniconda environment

At the prompt, type:


The display changes as follows

(base) C:\Users\[username]>

By default, the virtual environment called base is activated.

Command to display the list of environments created in the past

conda info -e

Make sure there is an environment created with Miniconda in the list.

Activate the virtual environment

conda activate [Virtual environment name]

You may refer to this route from here

Notes on building your own Miniconda environment --Qiita

Create a new virtual environment

conda create -n [New virtual environment name] python=3.6

After checking, enter the new environment

conda info -e
conda activate [New virtual environment name]

Install the package

like conda install numpy

Create a new project in PyCharm

Set the virtual environment you just created in the project interpreter

Coding with PyCharm

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