[Python] Comprehension notation. Write a for statement simply. (A collection is the difference between an iterator and an iterator)

[Python] Comprehension notation. Write a for statement simply. (A collection is the difference between an iterator and an iterator)

You can create a list, set type, etc. (collection) using a for statement.

What is a comprehension?

How to write a for statement easily.

[Expression for variable in iterable] └ If you enclose it in [], the output type will be list. └ {} is a set type

[(i*2) for i in range(5)]

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

The output is in list format. Same as below.


for i in range(5):
    arr = (i*2)

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

▼ {} is a set type

{(i*2) for i in range(5)}

{0, 2, 4, 6, 8}

## Supplement ### ■ What is a collection? A type of data type. A general term for types that can have multiple elements.

list, range, set, etc.

Str, int, float, etc. that can only have one data are not collections.

■ Difference between iterator and iterator

Iterable is a general term for repeatable objects. Iterators are a type of iterator and are more limited.

** ・ Iterable ** A repeatable object. Objects of type list, tapple, range.

"For i in iterable"

** ・ Iterator ** A type of mold. (Original type_iterator) Become an iterator with the iter function. You can use the next function.

** ▼ Confirmation of iterator type **

For list

arr = [1,2,3,4,5]

iterArr = iter(arr)


For tuple

brr = (1,2,3,4,5)

iterArr = iter(arr)


For range

crr = range(5)

iterArr = iter(arr)


** ・ next function ** Extract the elements of type iter one by one. irreversible.

next (iterator)

Iterator & next

arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
iterArr = iter(arr)



StopIteration: #← An error will occur if all are extracted

If you use an iterator and next, you can process in order.

▼ Iterators can also use for statements. Iterators are one of the iterator elements.


arr = [1,2,3]
iterArr = iter(arr)

for i in iterArr:


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