Here are some examples of Pycaret installation failures and successes. Success stories are listed below Failure stories.
** 1) Tried **: Run pip install at the command prompt.
pip install pycaret
** 2) Result **: "SSL Error" occurred and installation was not possible.
** 1) Tried **: Run pip install with Anaconda Prompt.
pip install pycaret
** 2) Result **: I get the error message "Cannot uninstall llvmlite." And cannot install. It seems that those that are not installed with pip cannot be uninstalled with pip.
** 1) Tried **: Ignore only "llvmlite" that gave an error in 2, and execute pip install with Anaconda Prompt.
pip install pycaret --ignore-installed llvmlite
** 2) Result **: "Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [WinError 5]" I get an error message and cannot install.
** 1) Tried **: Create a new virtual environment in Anaconda and install pycaret there.
** 2) Procedure **: (1) Execute the new virtual environment creation command from Anaconda Prompt.
#Enter the name of the newly created virtual environment in yourenvname. This time it will be Running.
conda create --name yourenvname python = 3.6
(2) You will be asked Proceed ([y] / n)? In the flow of (1), so enter y and press Enter.
At this point, the creation of the virtual environment is complete.
(3) Make the environment created in (2) Active.
#Enter the name of the newly created virtual environment in yourenvname. This time it will be Running.
conda active yourenvname
I get an error message for some reason, Now you can make the newly created virtual environment Active.
(4) Execute pip install for the newly created virtual environment.
pip install pycaret
Running screen. I don't know if the terminal you are using is old or the speed of the line, It took 30 minutes to complete the installation.
It's hard to tell if it ended normally, but the installation is now complete!
(5) Install Jupyter Notebook in the newly created virtual environment.
From "Applications on" at the top left of the Anaconda Navigator screen Select the newly created virtual environment name ("Running" this time).
Click the Install button on Jupyter Notebook.
(6) Open Jupyter Notebook.
When the installation is completed in (5), the Install button changes to the Launch button. Click the Launch button.
(7) Check if pycaret can be imported with Jupyter Notebook.
If the import is successful, you can use PyCaret on Jupyter.
If you get an error message like this, PyCaret has not been installed.
It took longer than expected just to install PyCaret I'm sure there are a certain number of people who are having trouble with the same thing.
How to create and install a new virtual environment in Anaconda It is also recommended on the PyCaret official page, so please check if necessary.
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