Image upload

Image upload tool

ActiveStorage Gem that can implement file upload function

ImageMagick Software that can perform image processing from the command line You can create images, change the size, and change the save format. To handle the software ImageMagic with Rails, a gem called MiniMagic is required.

MiniMagick Gem for using ImageMagic features in Ruby

ImageProcessing Gem that adds the ability to adjust the image size Add image size adjustments that cannot be done with ImageMagic alone.

Install ImageMagick

Install from Homebrew Terminal

% brew install imagemagick

Installation of MiniMagick and Image Processing

Added to the bottom layer of Gemfile


gem 'mini_magick'
gem 'image_processing', '~>1.2'


% bundle install

Install Active Storage

Enable Active Storage


% rails active_storage:install

Executing the above command will generate a migration file related to Active Storage. Don't forget to migrate.


% rails db:migrate


has_one_attached A method for creating a one-to-one association between records and files


class model< ApplicationRecord
  has_one_attached :file name

Strong parameters

Add the file name described above to the strong parameter.

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