Define a task to ZIP archive a set of project files in Gradle


--Define a task to ZIP archive a set of project files in Gradle --Operation check environment: Gradle 6.6 + Java 14 (AdoptOpenJDK 14.0.2)


plugins {
  id 'java'

repositories {

version = '1.2.3'

dependencies {
  //Specify the library to use
  implementation ''
  testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.6.2'
  testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.6.2'

//Define a task to ZIP archive a set of project files
task myZip(type: Zip) {

  //Directory to output ZIP file
  destinationDirectory = file('..') //Keep it one level higher

  //File name to archive
  archiveFileName =
    'myapp-' +
    archiveVersion.get() + '-' +
    new Date().format('yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_SSS') + '.zip'

  //Project directory
  from '.' //Current directory

  //Gradle generated file storage(build directory)Or
  // .Don't include hidden directories such as gradle in your ZIP file
  excludes = ['build', '.*']

Operation check

It is assumed that not only the source code but also text files and image files are included in the project set.

$ find .

Execute the defined task myZip.

$ gradle myZip

1 actionable task: 1 executed

Check the contents of the ZIP file.

$ unzip -l ../ 
Archive:  ../
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  08-16-2020 07:45   foodir/
    14526  08-16-2020 09:16   foodir/foo.jpg
    18136  10-18-2019 18:50   foodir/foo.png
       84  08-16-2020 09:14   foo.txt
      998  08-16-2020 08:51   build.gradle
        0  08-16-2020 06:59   src/
        0  08-16-2020 06:59   src/test/
        0  08-16-2020 09:16   src/test/resources/
        9  08-16-2020 09:17   src/test/resources/
        0  08-16-2020 06:59   src/test/java/
        0  08-16-2020 06:59   src/test/java/myapp/
      357  08-16-2020 06:59   src/test/java/myapp/
        0  08-16-2020 06:59   src/main/
        0  08-16-2020 09:16   src/main/resources/
        9  08-16-2020 09:16   src/main/resources/
        0  08-16-2020 06:59   src/main/java/
        0  08-16-2020 06:59   src/main/java/myapp/
      286  08-16-2020 06:59   src/main/java/myapp/
---------                     -------
    34405                     18 files

Reference material

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