[PYTHON] pyenv cheat sheet


--pyenv = python version manager. Similar in operability to rbenv


For OSX, it can be installed with brew

$ brew install pyenv

Pass through the path after installation


export PATH=$HOME/.pyenv/shims:$PATH


The command format also conforms to rbenv.

Version control

#Display the list that can be installed
$ pyenv install --list

$ pyenv install 3.3.6

$ pyenv uninstall 3.3.6

The installed python is stored in ~ / .pyenv.


#List installed
$ pyenv versions

#View valid versions in the current directory
$ pyenv version

Version specification

Apart from the default version specification, you can specify the version for each directory. .Python-version is created in the directory and the specified version is recorded.

#Specify the default version
$ pyenv global 3.3.6

#Specify the version of the current directory
$ pyenv local 2.7

#Removed version specification of current directory
$ pyenv local --unset


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