[PYTHON] Explain the associative array

Then first write in C #.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Ex{
    public static void Main(){
        var jcpmusicdotcom = new Dictionary<string,string>();
        jcpmusicdotcom["Touhou Lost Word"] = "Lost word chronical";
        jcpmusicdotcom["I'm Salamence"] = "Replica no koi";
        jcpmusicdotcom["Heartwarming shrine"] = "SHAMAN QUEEN";
        foreach(var music in jcpmusicdotcom){
            Console.WriteLine($"{music.Value}Is{music.Key}It is music associated with.");

Next, let's write it in Python.


class Ex:
    def main():
        jcpmusicdotcom = {}
        jcpmusicdotcom["Touhou Lost Word"] = "Lost word chronical"
        jcpmusicdotcom["I'm Salamence"] = "Replica no koi"
        jcpmusicdotcom["Heartwarming shrine"] = "SHAMAN QUEEN"
        for musickey in jcpmusicdotcom:
            print(f"{jcpmusicdotcom[musickey]}Is{musickey}It is music associated with.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

After all, both are influenced by C language, so the writing style does not change much. I like C # and Python, which are "styles that can't be written dirty", but what about you guys? Thank you for your comment.

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