[PYTHON] Don't use hash () when you need persistence!

The following is a story about the Python 3.3 built-in function hash ().

KaoriYa version of Vim now supports Python 3.3, so jedi-vim does not support 3.3. While trying to trick jedi-vim) into running, I noticed that jedi used by jedi-vim was failing to open the cache file I did.

The problem is generating the cache filename


def _get_hashed_path(self, path):
    return self._get_path('%s_%s.pkl' % (self.py_version, hash(path)))

This is because the result of hash () is non-deterministic, to be exact, the determinacy of hash () is closed in the process.

Let's actually check it.

$ python3.3
>>> hash("spam")
>>> hash("spam")
$ python3.3
>>> hash("spam")
>>> hash("spam")

You can see that the return value of hash (" spam ") changes from process to process.

The jedi error only occurred in Python 3.3 in Python 3.3 [hashes were randomized for security reasons](http://docs.python.jp/3.3/whatsnew/3.3.html# builtin-functions-and-types).

For the time being, speed was not necessary, so if the Python version is 3.3 or higher, use hashlib.md5 (). I tried to fix it.

As an aside, jedi is still not compatible with Python 3.3 because 3.3 introduced a new namespace package mechanism and imp.find_module (). The main reason is that imp.html # imp.find_module) has been deprecated.

At hand, use importlib.find_loader () to return imp.find \ _module () "like" results I wrote a function to deceive it, but please refrain from publishing it because it is a temporary code. m (\ _ \ _) m

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