Show preview when editing user image


When the user's image was changed, it was difficult to tell whether the file was raised but clearly changed, so I used jQuery to preview it nicely (I'm not good at the front ...).

ruby 2.6.3 rails 6.0.3 Uploader ActiveStorage jQuary


Behavior you want to do

Before uploading the file: Preview the image already associated with the user After uploading the file: Hide the display of the image already associated with the user, Preview new image file

List of implementation files

users ①edit.html.slim ②_form.html.slim (Only the form part is cut out and used. There is no problem even if you write everything in edit.) ③javascripts/app/users/edit.js



- content_for :title
  = I18n.t 'helpers.title.edit', model: t_model(:user), name:

== render 'form', model: @user


= render 'shared/validation_messages', model: model
= simple_form_for model, html: { class: 'form-horizontal js-editing' } do |f|

          |Basic information
            img src="#" id="avatar_img_prev" class="d-none"
            - if model.image.attached?
              = image_tag(model.image, class: 'avatar_present_img')
            - else
              = image_tag("defaurt-user.png ", class: "avatar_present_img")
          = f.file_field :image, id: "post_img"

          = f.input :name, placeholder: 'Hanako Yamada'
      /The following is omitted


/* global $ */

$(function() {
  function readURL(input) {
    if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
      var reader = new FileReader();

      reader.onload = function (e) {


I stumbled upon doing it

・ The way to write ʻimg in slim notation is not ʻimg src:" ~~ ", id:" ~~ ", but ʻimg src =" ~~ "id =" ~~ "` (rarely) I didn't understand because I didn't write it ...).

・ ʻImg src = "#" id = "avatar_img_prev" class = "hidden" class was not reflected well, so changed to class = "d-none" `→ It worked

-Since jQuary was written on form.slim and was not reflected well, it was properly rewritten in the js file.


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