Learn Python asynchronous processing / coroutines by comparing with Node.js

Python is a style language that implements asynchronous processing by importing the ʻasyncio` module and defining coroutines. A ** coroutine ** is a structure that allows a process to be interrupted and then resumed, in contrast to a ** subroutine **, which is a structure that does not stop until the process is completed.

This time, let's focus on how Python's asynchronous processing is written differently from Node.js's Promise and ʻasync / await`, which I've been familiar with for a long time. think.

The Python source code generally conforms to the official documentation Coroutines and Tasks.


In Python, the ʻasync def` statement defines a coroutine.


import asyncio

async def main():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)


This is an example of printing "world" one second after printing "hello". You can use ʻawait in coroutines. This is a typical example of asynchronous processing, where ʻawait asyncio.sleep (1) waits for the resolution of the processing for 1 second before starting the next processing.

What about Node.js? First of all, Node.js doesn't have a built-in async function like Python's ʻasyncio.sleep () `, so

function sleep(sec) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, timeout=sec*1000);

(Hereafter, the definition of this sleep function is omitted in the Node.js source code). Then you can write as follows.


async function main() {
  await sleep(1);


Comparing the two, Python's coroutine asynchronous processing does not simply call the top-level entry point main (), but ʻasyncio.run (main ()), like ʻasyncio. The difference is that you have to be careful about running it in the argument of .run () .

Serial processing

Arranging awaits will result in serial processing.


import asyncio
import time

async def say_after(delay, what):
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)

async def main():
    print(f"started at {time.strftime('%X')}")

    await say_after(1, 'hello')
    await say_after(2, 'world')

    print(f"finished at {time.strftime('%X')}")


This is an example of waiting for 1 second and then printing "hello", then waiting for another 2 seconds and then printing "world". Written in Node.js, it will look something like this:


async function say_after(delay, what) {
  await sleep(delay);

async function main() {
  console.log(`started at ${new Date().toTimeString()}`);

  await say_after(1, 'hello');
  await say_after(2, 'world');

  console.log(`finished at ${new Date().toTimeString()}`);


It looks the same, so it's easy to understand.


In Python, Tasks allow you to run coroutines in parallel.


import asyncio
import time

async def say_after(delay, what):
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)

async def main():
    task1 = asyncio.create_task(
        say_after(1, 'hello'))

    task2 = asyncio.create_task(
        say_after(2, 'world'))

    print(f"started at {time.strftime('%X')}")

    await task1
    await task2

    print(f"finished at {time.strftime('%X')}")


In this example, unlike the previous example, the operation of "waiting for 2 seconds and then outputting" world "" is performed at the same time as the operation of "waiting for 1 second and then outputting" hello "", so 1 than the previous example. It will end a second earlier. In Python, you can wrap a coroutine as a Task with ʻasyncio.create_task ()` and schedule its execution.

Written in Node.js, it will look something like this:


async function say_after(delay, what) {
  await sleep(delay);

async function main() {
  const task1 = say_after(1, 'hello');
  const task2 = say_after(2, 'world');

  console.log(`started at ${new Date().toTimeString()}`);

  await Promise.all([task1, task2]);

  console.log(`finished at ${new Date().toTimeString()}`);


For Node.js, you can use Promise.all ().

Let's look at another example.


import asyncio

async def factorial(name, number):
    f = 1
    for i in range(2, number + 1):
        print(f"Task {name}: Compute factorial({i})...")
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        f *= i
    print(f"Task {name}: factorial({number}) = {f}")

async def main():
    await asyncio.gather(
        factorial("A", 2),
        factorial("B", 3),
        factorial("C", 4),


This is a function that calculates the factorial by delaying the multiplication by 1 second each time. This time, we see ʻasyncio.gather () `, which also schedules the argument coroutine as a Task.

Written in Node.js, it will look something like this:


async function factorial(name, number) {
  let f = 1;
  for (let i=2;i<=number;++i) {
    console.log(`Task ${name}: Compute factorial(${i})...`);
    await sleep(1);
    f *= i;
  console.log(`Task ${name}: factorial(${number}) = ${f}`);

async function main() {
  await Promise.all([
    factorial("A", 2),
    factorial("B", 3),
    factorial("C", 4)


time out

In Python asynchronous processing, you can use ʻasyncio.wait_for ()` to treat it as a timeout if the processing is not completed in a certain amount of time.


import asyncio

async def eternity():
    await asyncio.sleep(3600)

async def main():
        await asyncio.wait_for(eternity(), timeout=1.0)
    except asyncio.TimeoutError:


For example, in the example above, the function ʻeternity ()` that sleeps for 3600 seconds actually times out after 1 second without waiting for 3600 seconds.

I don't think there is a concise way to implement this in Node.js (as far as I know).

Certainly, if you use Promise.race (),

await Promise.race(eternity(), timeout(1.0))
  .catch(err => {

(Timeout (sec) is a function that returns reject after sec seconds). However, in this implementation, after 1 second, "timeout!" Is displayed, but ʻeternity ()` continues to wait.

See also: Use Promise.race to Timeout Promises

Caveat: Cleanup The timeout does not cause the other promise to clean up or cancel. For example, if a database-write promise were to be Promise.race ‘d against a timeout, and if the timeout completed first, then the database write operation would still be running and may (eventually) succeed, but the rest of your application will think it failed. Make sure to introduce logic to cancel the operation in case your application initiates a timeout. Handling cleanup and canceling logic is a tricky subject, as the feature is not built into JavaScript.

With that in mind, it's quite convenient in Python to be able to write a concise description of asynchronous processing interruptions.

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