[PYTHON] [blackbird-td-agent] Monitoring td-agent

This plugin uses td-agent's monitor_agent Monitor the buffer of td-agent.

Advance preparation

Let's prepare monitor_agent before installing blackbird-td-agent.

Fluentd monitor_agent

monitor_agent is a fluentd plugin that allows you to get the buffer status via HTTP. Since it is installed by default, there is no need to install a new gem.

  type monitor_agent
  port 24220

If you write config as above and restart fluentd, monitor_agent will be enabled. The endpoint for monitor_agent is http: // localhost: 24220 / api / plugins.json. If you GET to this URL, you can get the byte size of buffer and the length of buffer queue, and the blackbird-td-agent plugin parses this value and gets the value.


Due to the characteristics of monitor_agent, if there are multiple output plugins, there will be multiple json outputs. So I decided to use zabbix's Law Level Discovery Item to dynamically increase or decrease items.

If it is an output plugin and buffer_queue_length exists in json, the target item will be expanded to the HOST linked to the template of zabbix. The item name is assigned plugin_id. (plugin_id is assigned a unique plugin for each plugin, and json in the format of {"plugin_id ":" object: XXXXXXXXXX "} is output.)

Zabbix Template


You can get the following items as normal items

Law Level Discovery Items(Dynamic)

Items that change dynamically with Law Level Discovery are as follows


The following are implemented as Trigger


Each of the values of is a single graph.

When fluentd is queued up and it is dangerous, or when the destination is wrong and it can not be sent, it becomes a combined monitor with monitoring of other host OR middleware, or log monitoring is the only way to detect retry_count in the first place. I feel that it is subtly difficult to monitor, or because it is difficult, I tend to feel like I don't like it later. You can monitor fluentd itself with monitor_agent.

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[blackbird-td-agent] Monitoring td-agent
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