[Rails] Correspondence table of HTTP status code symbols and their meanings (for myself)

I check it every time I forget it, so I summarized it for myself.

Rough meaning of each series

100 ~ Means the continuation of requests from the browser. 200 ~ Means that the browser request was successful on the server. 300 ~ Means redirect. 400 ~ It means that there is an error on the client side and the request failed. 500 ~ It means that there is an error on the server side and the request failed.

Status Code Meaning and Rails Symbols

Only the ones I use often Difference between put and patch put method replaces rather than updates The patch method updates / modifies / modifies existing resources For more information https://qiita.com/murata0705/items/52538c08778c39a91ec2

Code number symbol Remarks meaning
200 :ok Frequently returned when getting The web page or resource is working as expected.
201 :created create,Returns this when put etc. Accepted the request and created a new resource.
202 :accepted The situation where the server is accepting and processing browser requests
204 :no_content delete,Returns this when patch etc. When the request was processed successfully, but there is no content to return
304 :not_modified When you want to use the cache Means that the requested resource has not changed since it was last accessed.
400 :bad_request The shape of the request body is strange, validation error, etc. In case of incorrect syntax, invalid request message framing, or incorrect request routing
401 :unauthorized I don't have permission If you need an Authorization header.
404 :not_found The resource represented by the URL does not exist.
409 :conflict When trying to create something that has already been created. The request cannot be completed because it conflicts with the current resource.
422 :unprocessable_entity When you want to get a more detailed validation error. It means that a normal request came but could not be processed.





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