Dynamically call methods in Python

It may be basic.

Why now? When I was communicating with WebSocket using tornado

Send callback method name with Javascript → Execute the method specified by tornado and send the callback function name to Javascript → Execute the callback function specified in Javascript

I wanted to call a method from a string.

First, connect to Javascript and WebSocket and send the calling method name and other parameters on the tornado side. The parameters are sent in JSON.


var ws = new WebSocket('ws://server/ws');
var p = {};
//callback method name
p['callback'] = 'wake_up';
//Other parameters
p['msg'] = 'Wake Up!!!!';
ws.onmessage = function(e) {
    var data = JSON.parse(e.data);

The tornado side, getattr of on_message is the main part of this title.


from tornado import ioloop,web,websocket
import json
#callback class
from callback import Callback

class WSHandler(websocket.WebSocketHandler):
    #When the message comes
    def on_message(self, message):
        data = json.loads(message)
        #Instantiation of Callback class
        cb = Callback(data)
        #Method call
        result = getattr(cb, data['callback'])()
        #Value to return to Javascript
        return_value = {}
        return_value['message'] = result

        #Send message with WebSocket

handlers = [
    (r'/ws', WSHandler),

settings = dict(
    debug = False,

app = web.Application(handlers, **settings)

The method to be called.


class Callback(data):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def wake_up(self):
        return self.data['msg']

You should now see'Wake Up !!!!'on your browser console.

The usage of getattr is as follows. Details are left to the official documentation.


cb = Callback(data)
result = cb.wake_up()

#The above is the same as the code below
result2 = getattr(cb, 'wake_up')()

#By the way, if you do as follows, the return value will not be returned and the object will be assigned.
result3 = getattr(cb, 'wake_up')

Did you do it like result3 above? ?? ?? But when you think about it, it's right. .. ..

2013-03-15 postscript Fixed a subtle mistake. Excuse me.

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