Use Rails template function (ERB) other than Controller (Action View)


Rails is convenient because it links templates with actions. Action View and ERB (Embedded Ruby). Occasionally, you may want to use the template elsewhere. I looked it up, but I didn't get much information, or it didn't work when I thought I found it, so I'll post the solution as a reminder.

Operating environment

ruby 2.6.5 rails 5.2.3


For example, use it in Job.

Create a template under app / views (any location is possible).


<%= user_name %>to

This is a sample.

Next is Job.


class SendTemplateJob < ApplicationJob
  queue_as :default

  def perform(*args)
    #Use template
    content ='app/views').render(file: 'sample',
                                                       locals: { user_name: },
                                                       layout: false)
    #Describe the process of sending the character string generated using the template somewhere
    #For example, slack


If you write like this, the variable defined as user_name in erb can be expanded and acquired as a character string.

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