--This time, we will use the built-in Hypersonic instead of adding it to the database (it cannot be used in the production environment, but it can be used for demo and simple test purposes). --The search engine also uses the built-in Elasticsearch.
--Install Oracle JDK 8 (Please install the latest version of JDK 8 instead of JRE Example: Java SE Development Kit 8u152 etc.)
--Open Preferences and set the following system environment variables. If there is no item, create a new one.
Environment variable | Setting value (sample) |
JAVA_HOME | C:¥Program Files¥java¥jdk1.8.0_152 |
JRE_HOME | C:¥Program Files¥java¥jdk1.8.0_152 |
Path | I think some of them have already been set, so at the end they are separated by colons.C:¥Program Files¥java¥jdk1.8.0_152¥bin |
--Download Liferay 7 / DXP (it is assumed here to download the Tomcat bundle version) and unzip it directly under the C drive. Unzipping in the user home (such as the desktop) can result in errors such as the path being too long to unzip.
--If the unzipped root directory is $ {liferay_home}
, first move to `` $ {liferay_home} \ tomcat-8.0.32 \ bin``` --If you have enough memory, change
-Xmx1024m -XX: MaxPermSize = 384m" in
-Xmx4096m -XX: MaxMetaspaceSize = 512m " in
--Double-click startup.bat
to start Liferay.
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