The latest technology that busy engineers want to know roughly


"I've used it somehow, but what's new in the latest version?"

"I like the details, so just give me an overview!"

Please read this article like that and get a little more detailed.

Technical material

Java 9 Spring Framework 5 Spring WebFlux Spring Boot 2.0 Kotlin JUnit 5

Java 9 --2017.9.22 release --The default date / currency format has changed [JEP252] -@Deprecated has been expanded and the amount of information has increased [JEP277] --Variable Handles [JEP193] is now available as an alternative, as some reflections will be banned in the future. --Project Jigsaw excludes some prominent classes from the default classpath [JEP261] (javax.transaction, javax.rmi.CORBA, javax.annotation)

Spring Framework 5 --Java 8 required, Java 9 compatible --Spring Framework 4 Deprecated class removed --Supports part of Java EE 8 (Bean Validation 2.0, JSON Binding API, etc.) --Supports Spring Web Flux, one of the Reactive Programming Models --Spring TestContext Framework now supports JUnit 5

Spring WebFlux --Reactor-based HTTP API to replace Spring MVC --Do not use Servlet at all --Asynchronous execution --Non-blocking

Spring Boot 2.0 --Scheduled to be released on November 20, 2017 --Java 8 required --Spring Framework 5 Required --spring-boot-starter-webflux has been added --Actuator endpoints aggregated in / application

Kotlin --Language developed by JetBrains, the developer of IntelliJ IDEA --It runs on the JVM, and of course IntelliJ IDEA is also supported. --IntelliJ IDEA based Android Studio is also supported --In Eclipse, it is supported by a plug-in --What you can write in Java can be written in Kotlin --Simpler than Java

JUnit 5(Jupiter) --Java 8 required --Use JUnit Vintage to run old test code as it is not API compatible with JUnit 4 and below --Annotation has changed

Junit 4 or less JUnit5
@Before/@After @BeforeEach/@AfterEach
@BeforeClass/@AfterClass @BeforeAll/@AfterAll
@Ignore @Disabled

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