Easily download mp3 / mp4 with python and youtube-dl!


Easily download mp3 / mp4 with python and youtube-dl!


$python3 --version
Python 3.7.3

Install ffmpeg for mp3 conversion

$brew install ffmpeg

DL folder creation

$mkdir mp4-download

Virtual environment for Python

$cd mp4-download
$python3 -m venv venv
$source venv/bin/activate

Install youtube-dl with pip

$pip install youtube-dl

Download video (mp4)

$youtube-dl https://youtu.be/UVapiyZr2Mk
## Execution result
[youtube] UVapiyZr2Mk: Downloading webpage
[download] Destination:It's tofu-UVapiyZr2Mk.mp4
[download] 100% of 20.11MiB in 00:07

Download video (mp4)

$youtube-dl https://youtu.be/RFuKNaHE63M
[youtube] RFuKNaHE63M: Downloading webpage
[download] Destination:Asteria SKT Tofu Shop-RFuKNaHE63M.mp4
[download] 100% of 16.55MiB in 00:05

Check download results

$ls -a
It's tofu-UVapiyZr2Mk.mp4
Asteria SKT Tofu Shop-RFuKNaHE63M.mp4

Video playback

$open It's tofu-UVapiyZr2Mk.mp4 
$open Asteria SKT Tofu Shop-RFuKNaHE63M.mp4

mp3 download

$youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 https://youtu.be/OfbBWmO45rs

Execution result

[youtube] OfbBWmO45rs: Downloading webpage
[youtube] OfbBWmO45rs: Downloading MPD manifest
[download][Jenkins Life Counseling Room] To Mr. Pilomi-OfbBWmO45rs.webm has already been downloaded
[download] 100% of 17.78MiB
[ffmpeg] Destination:[Jenkins Life Counseling Room] To Mr. Pilomi-OfbBWmO45rs.mp3
Deleting original file [Jenkins Life Counseling Room] To Mr. Pilomi-OfbBWmO45rs.webm (pass -k to keep)

mp3 playback

$open [Jenkins Life Counseling Room] To Mr. Pilomi-OfbBWmO45rs.mp3

that's all!

Thank you very much!

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