Azure App Service (Windows) Tomcat configuration changes

About this article

Normally, when using a Java app and changing the settings of Tomcat, "server.xml" is edited, but The file " D: \ Program Files (x86) \ apache-tomcat-x.x.xx \ conf \ server.xml "configured in Azure App Service cannot be modified. Therefore, change the configuration of Tomcat by the following method.

1. Premise

--It is assumed that Java / Tomcat settings have been completed in Apprication settings. --Assuming you are using the Kudu console. https: // <YourAppName> --The internal image is shown below. Azure.png

1. Directory structure

--Basic directory structure of Azure App Service.

│  ├─LogFiles
│  └─site
│      └─wwwroot
│          │  web.config
│          │
│          ├─conf
│          │      server.xml
│          │
│ └─webapps ← apps(.war)Deployment directory
│                  ROOT
│                  ROOT.war
└─Program Files (x86)

2. Web.config settings

--It is an IIS configuration file, and you can set additional configurations with arguments when starting Tomcat. --You can set the memory of the JVM. --In the sample below, the modified Tomcat configuration file "server.xml" is set as an argument.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
			<remove name="httpPlatformHandlerMain" />
			<add name="httpPlatformHandlerMain" path="*" verb="*" modules="httpPlatformHandler" resourceType="Unspecified" />
		<httpPlatform processPath="D:\Program Files (x86)\apache-tomcat-x.x.xx\bin\startup.bat" requestTimeout="00:04:00" arguments="-config D:\home\site\wwwroot\conf\server.xml start" startupTimeLimit="60" startupRetryCount="3" stdoutLogEnabled="true">
				<environmentVariable name="CATALINA_OPTS" value="-Xms2048 -Xmx2048m" />

3. Server.xml settings

--Create a "server.xml" file in the path set in 2. above. (D: \ home \ site \ wwwroot \ conf \ server.xml)
* Copy server.xml from " D: \ Program Files (x86) \ apache-tomcat-x.x.xx \ conf \ server.xml "and change it if necessary.

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