Python-Particle motion simulation

Thing you want to do

Simulate the movement of atoms using Lennard-Jones potential as follows



Potential and force between atoms

Lennard Jones Potential

Lennard-Jones potential when the distance between two particles is $ r_ {ij} $:


For $ N $ particles


The force acting on the atom $ i $ under the Lennard-Jones potential is due to the gradient at the interatomic distance $ r $.



Cutoff distance and cell split

To reduce the amount of calculation, a cutoff radius of $ r_ {cut} $ is provided, and forces from particles (on the grid) farther than $ r_ {cut} $ are ignored as their contribution is small.

Divide the space into cubes of $ r_ {cut} × r_ {cut} × r_ {cut} $ and manage which particles belong to each grid.

For particles in a particular grid, only the force from particles in adjacent grids is calculated.


Calculation of particle position and velocity

The equation of motion of the second-order differential equation is transformed into the first-order simultaneous differential equation and calculated by the Runge-Kutta method.



Update by Runge-Kutta method

\vec{k_1} &=& dt×\vec{f}(\vec{r},\vec{v},t)=dt×\vec{v}\\
\vec{l_1} &=& dt×\vec{g}(\vec{r},\vec{v},t)=dt×\frac{\vec{F}(\vec{r},\vec{v},t)}{m}\\
\vec{k_2} &=& dt×\vec{f}(\vec{r}+\frac{\vec{k_1}}{2},\vec{v}+\frac{\vec{l_1}}{2},t+\frac{dt}{2})=dt×(\vec{v}+\frac{\vec{l_1}}{2})\\
\vec{l_2} &=& dt×\vec{g}(\vec{r}+\frac{\vec{k_1}}{2},\vec{v}+\frac{\vec{l_1}}{2},t+\frac{dt}{2})=dt×\frac{\vec{F}(\vec{r}+\frac{\vec{k_1}}{2},\vec{v}+\frac{\vec{l_1}}{2},t+\frac{dt}{2})}{m}\\
\vec{k_3} &=& dt×\vec{f}(\vec{r}+\frac{\vec{k_2}}{2},\vec{v}+\frac{\vec{l_2}}{2},t+\frac{dt}{2})=dt×(\vec{v}+\frac{\vec{l_2}}{2})\\
\vec{l_3} &=& dt×\vec{g}(\vec{r}+\frac{\vec{k_2}}{2},\vec{v}+\frac{\vec{l_2}}{2},t+\frac{dt}{2})=dt×\frac{\vec{F}(\vec{r}+\frac{\vec{k_2}}{2},\vec{v}+\frac{\vec{l_2}}{2},t+\frac{dt}{2})}{m}\\
\vec{k_4} &=& dt×\vec{f}(\vec{r}+\vec{k_3},\vec{v}+\vec{l_3},t+dt)=dt×(\vec{v}+\vec{l_3})\\
\vec{l_4} &=& dt×\vec{g}(\vec{r}+\vec{k_3},\vec{v}+\vec{l_3},t+dt)=dt×\frac{\vec{F}(\vec{r}+\vec{k_3},\vec{v}+\vec{l_3},t+dt)}{m}\\

Position $ \ vec {r} (t + dt) $ at $ t + dt $ ・ Velocity $ \ vec {v} (t + dt) $ is calculated sequentially by the above formula.


Base class

import numpy as np
from abc import abstractmethod
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import random
import math
import datetime

class Particle():
    def __init__(self, pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], vel = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], force = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], mass = 1.0, type = -1):
        self.pos = np.array(pos)
        self.vel = np.array(vel)
        self.force = np.array(force)
        self.mass = mass
        self.type = type

    #The force acting between particles under Lennard-Jones potential
    def force(pos1, pos2, eps = 1.0, sigma = 1.0):
        #return np.array([0, 0, 0])
        r2 = ((pos2 - pos1)**2).sum()
        if abs(r2) < 0.00001:  
            return np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        sig6_div_r6 = (sigma**2 / r2)**3
        #print("force : ", 24 * eps * (1/r2) * sig6_div_r6 * (1 - 2 * sig6_div_r6) * (pos2 - pos1))
        return 24 * eps * (1/r2) * sig6_div_r6 * (1 - 2 * sig6_div_r6) * (pos2 - pos1)
class Calculater():
    #The position of the particle after dt(pos)And speed(vel)Is updated by the Runge-Kutta method
    def runge_kutta(particle, adjuscent_particles, ps, dt, t, eps, sigma):
        k1 = dt * particle.vel
        l1 = 0
        for p in adjuscent_particles:
            l1 += dt * Particle.force(pos1 = particle.pos, pos2 = p.pos, eps = eps, sigma = sigma) / particle.mass
        l1 += dt * ps.force(particle.pos, particle.vel, particle, t)
        k2 = dt * (particle.vel + k1 / 2)
        l2 = 0
        for p in adjuscent_particles:
            l2 = dt * Particle.force(particle.pos + l1/2, p.pos, eps, sigma) / particle.mass
        l2 += dt * ps.force(particle.pos + l1/2, particle.vel + k1/2, particle, t + dt/2)
        k3 = dt * (particle.vel + k2 / 2)
        l3 = 0
        for p in adjuscent_particles:
            l3 = dt * Particle.force(particle.pos + l2/2, p.pos, eps, sigma) / particle.mass
        l3 += dt * ps.force(particle.pos + l2/2, particle.vel + k2/2, particle, t + dt/2)
        k4 = dt * (particle.vel + k3)
        l4 = 0
        for p in adjuscent_particles:
            l4 = dt * Particle.force(particle.pos + l3, p.pos, eps, sigma) / particle.mass
        l4 += dt * ps.force(particle.pos + l3, particle.vel + k3, particle, t + dt)
        particle.pos += (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)/6
        particle.vel += (l1 + 2*l2 + 2*l3 + l4)/6
    #The position of the particle after dt(pos)And speed(vel)Is updated by the Euler method
    def euler(particle, adjuscent_particles, ps, dt, t, eps, sigma):
        f = 0
        for p in adjuscent_particles:
            f += dt * Particle.force(pos1 = particle.pos, pos2 = p.pos, eps = eps, sigma = sigma) / particle.mass
        f += dt * ps.force(particle.pos, particle.vel, particle, t)
        particle.pos += dt * particle.vel
        particle.vel += dt * f
class ParticleSystem():
    def __init__(self, cutoff_r, NX, NY, NZ, e = 0.9, mass = 1, eps = 1, sigma = 1):
        self.cutoff_r = cutoff_r
        self.NX = NX
        self.NY = NY
        self.NZ = NZ
        self.X_MAX = cutoff_r * NX
        self.Y_MAX = cutoff_r * NY
        self.Z_MAX = cutoff_r * NZ
        self.e = e
        self.mass = mass
        self.eps = eps
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.time = 0.0
        self.prev_timestamp = 0.0
        self.fps = 0.1
        self.particles = []
        self.snapshots = []
        self.fig = plt.figure() = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        self.gif_output_mode = False
    #Find the force acting on all particles and the position / velocity after dt.
    def update(self, dt, calc_method):
        self.time += dt
        self.update_pos_and_vel(dt, calc_method)
    #Calculate the force acting on all particles.
    #Abolished because it is unlikely to be usable by the Runge-Kutta method.
    def update_forces_on_particle():
        for particle in self.particles:
            particle.force = 0
            #Calculate the intermolecular force acting on particles
            for p in get_particles_adjuscent_cell(particle):
                f = Particle.force(particle.pos, p.pos)
                particle.force += f
            particle.force += self.force(particle)
    #Calc the position and time after dt of all particles_Calculate with method.
    def update_pos_and_vel(self, dt, calc_method):
        for particle in self.particles:
            calc_method(particle = particle, adjuscent_particles = self.get_particles_adjuscent_cell(particle), ps = self, dt = dt, t = self.time, eps = self.eps, sigma = self.sigma)
            #Make it bounce at both ends of the space.(Bounce coefficient e)
            if particle.pos[0] < 0:
                #particle.pos[0] += 2*(0 - particle.pos[0])
                particle.pos[0] = 0.0
                particle.vel[0] = -self.e * particle.vel[0]
            if particle.pos[0] > self.X_MAX:
                #particle.pos[0] -= 2*(particle.pos[0] - self.X_MAX)
                particle.pos[0] = self.X_MAX - 0.0001
                particle.vel[0] = -self.e * particle.vel[0]
            if particle.pos[1] < 0:
                #particle.pos[1] += 2*(0 - particle.pos[1])
                particle.pos[1] = 0.0
                particle.vel[1] = -self.e * particle.vel[1]
            if particle.pos[1] > self.Y_MAX:
                #particle.pos[1] -= 2*(particle.pos[1] - self.Y_MAX)
                particle.pos[1] = self.Y_MAX - 0.0001
                particle.vel[1] = -self.e * particle.vel[1]
            if particle.pos[2] < 0:
                #particle.pos[2] += 2*(0 - particle.pos[2])
                particle.pos[2] = 0.0
                particle.vel[2] = -self.e * particle.vel[2]
            if particle.pos[2] > self.Z_MAX:
                particle.pos[2] = self.Z_MAX - 0.0001
                #particle.pos[2] -= 2*(particle.pos[2] - self.Z_MAX)
                particle.vel[2] = -self.e * particle.vel[2]
        if self.gif_output_mode is True:
            self.take_snapshot(save_to_snapshots = True)
    #Get a list of particles contained in cells containing particle cells and 26 adjacent cells
    def get_particles_adjuscent_cell(self, particle):
        particles = []
        index = self.get_cellindex_from_pos(particle.pos)
        for i in range(index[0] - 1, index[0] + 1):
            for j in range(index[1] - 1, index[1] + 1):
                for k in range(index[2] - 1, index[2] + 1):
                        for p in self.cell[i][j][k] if self.cell[i][j][k] is not None else []:
                            if p is not particle: 
                    except IndexError:
        return particles
    #Calculate the cell index from the position of the particles.
    def get_cellindex_from_pos(self, pos):
        return [int(pos[0] / self.cutoff_r), int(pos[1] / self.cutoff_r), int(pos[2] / self.cutoff_r)]
    #Update which cell each particle belongs to
    def update_cells(self):
        self.cell = [[[ [] for i in range(self.NX)] for j in range(self.NY)] for k in range(self.NZ)]
        for p in self.particles:
                index = self.get_cellindex_from_pos(p.pos)
            except Exception as e:
                print("Exception : ", e)
                print("pos : ", p.pos)
    #Get particle list
    def get_particles(self):
        return self.particles
    #Get time
    def get_time(self):
        return self.time
    #Take a snapshot of the state of the particles. It is not displayed.
    def take_snapshot(self, save_to_snapshots = False):
        if self.time - self.prev_timestamp > self.fps:
  "Time : {}".format(self.time))
  , self.X_MAX)
  , self.Y_MAX)
  , self.Z_MAX)
            scats = []
            for type, particles in self.particle_dict.items():
                x_list = []
                y_list = []
                z_list = []
                for p in particles[0]:
                scats.append(, y_list, z_list, c=particles[1]))
            if save_to_snapshots is True:
            self.prev_timestamp = self.time
    #Display the state of particles
    def show_snapshot(self):
        if self.time - self.prev_timestamp > 0.1:
            self.fig = plt.figure()
   = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            self.prev_timestamp = self.time
    #Write mode on to gif file
    def start_output_gif(self, fps = 0.1):
        self.gif_output_mode = True
        self.snapshots = []
        self.take_snapshot(save_to_snapshots = True)
    #gif file write mode off. Write to file
    def stop_output_gif(self, filename = "hoge.gif"):
        print("stop_output_gif : ", len(self.snapshots))
        self.gif_output_mode = False
        ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(self.fig, self.snapshots), writer='imagemagick')
        self.snapshots = []
    #Make a dictionary for each type of particle.
    def setup_particle_type_dict(self):
        self.particle_dict = {}
        for p in self.particles:
            if str(p.type) not in self.particle_dict:
                #Assign a random color for each particle type
                self.particle_dict[str(p.type)] = [[], tuple([random.random() for _ in range(3)])]
    #Calculate the kinetic energy of all particles
    def get_kinetic_energy(self):
        return  sum([(p.mass*np.array(p.vel)**2).sum()/2 for p in self.particles])
    #Particle initialization
    def init_particles(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    #Power to work as a system(Gravity etc.)
    def force(self, pos, vel, particle, t):
        raise NotImplementedError()

Box-shaped particle army system under gravity

#Box-shaped particle army system under gravity
class BoxGravitySystem(ParticleSystem):
    def __init__(self, cutoff_r, NX, NY, NZ, e, mass, eps, sigma):
        super().__init__(cutoff_r, NX = NX, NY = NY, NZ = NZ, e = e, mass = mass, eps = eps, sigma = sigma)
    #Generates a box-shaped 10x10x10 particle army at the bottom. The initial speed is set to go diagonally upward.
    def init_particles(self):
        for x in np.linspace(0.1*self.X_MAX, 0.2*self.X_MAX, 10):
            for y in np.linspace(0.1*self.Y_MAX, 0.2*self.Y_MAX, 10):
                for z in np.linspace(0.1*self.Z_MAX, 0.2*self.Z_MAX, 10):
                    self.particles.append(Particle(pos = [x, y, z], vel=[0.1*self.X_MAX, 0.05*self.Y_MAX, 0.5*self.Z_MAX], mass = self.mass))
    def force(self, pos, vel, particle, t):
        return np.array([0.0, 0.0, -particle.mass * 9.8])
if __name__ == '__main__':
    cutoff_r = 1.0
    e = 0.1
    mass = 1.0
    eps = 1
    sigma = 0.5
    dt = 0.001
    system = BoxGravitySystem(cutoff_r = cutoff_r, NX = 100, NY = 100, NZ = 100, e = e, mass = mass, eps = eps, sigma = sigma)
    time = 0
    system.start_output_gif(fps = 0.1)
    while time <= 5:
        system.update(dt = dt, calc_method = Calculater.runge_kutta)
        time = system.get_time()
        print("Time : ", time)
    system.stop_output_gif(filename = "BoxGravitySystem_cutoffr-{}_mass-{}_eps-{}_sigma-{}_dt-{}.gif".format(cutoff_r, mass, eps, sigma, dt))

Large mass (no interatomic interaction)


A system that shoots bullets into the wall

#A system that shoots bullets into the wall
class BulletWallSystem(ParticleSystem):
    def __init__(self, cutoff_r, NX, NY, NZ, e, mass, eps, sigma):
        super().__init__(cutoff_r, NX = NX, NY = NY, NZ = NZ, e = e, mass = mass, eps = eps, sigma = sigma)
    #Sphere with initial velocity(bullet)And set up a fixed wall
    def init_particles(self):
        bullet_center = [0.35*self.X_MAX, 0.5*self.Y_MAX, 0.5*self.Z_MAX]
        for i in range(200):
            r = 0.05 * self.X_MAX * (random.random() - 0.5) * 2
            phi = 2 * np.pi * random.random()
            theta = np.pi * random.random()
            self.particles.append(Particle(pos = [bullet_center[0] + r*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi), bullet_center[1] + r*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi), bullet_center[2] + r*np.cos(theta)], vel=[0.2*self.X_MAX, 0, 0], mass = self.mass, type = 1))
        #Wall generation
        for x in np.linspace(0.49*self.X_MAX, 0.50*self.X_MAX, 2):
            for y in np.linspace(0.3*self.Y_MAX, 0.7*self.Y_MAX, 30):
                for z in np.linspace(0.3*self.Z_MAX, 0.7*self.Z_MAX, 30):
                    self.particles.append(Particle(pos = [x, y, z], vel=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], mass = self.mass, type = 2))
    #No external force
    def force(self, pos, vel, particle, t):
        return np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
    cutoff_r = 1.0
    e = 0.1
    mass = 1.0
    eps = 1
    sigma = 0.5
    dt = 0.001
    system = BulletWallSystem(cutoff_r = cutoff_r, NX = 100, NY = 100, NZ = 100, e = e, mass = mass, eps = eps, sigma = sigma)
    time = 0
    system.start_output_gif(fps = 0.1)
    while time <= 5:
        system.update(dt = dt, calc_method = Calculater.runge_kutta)
        time = system.get_time()
        print("Time : ", time)
    system.stop_output_gif(filename = "BoxGravitySystem_cutoffr-{}_mass-{}_eps-{}_sigma-{}_dt-{}.gif".format(cutoff_r, mass, eps, sigma, dt))

cutoffr:1.0、ε:0.001、σ:0.1、dt:0.002 BulletWallSystem_cutoffr-1.0_mass-1.0_eps-0.001_sigma-0.1_dt-0.002_2.gif

cutoffr:1.0、ε:0.02、sigma:0.5 BulletWallSystem_cutoffr-1.0_mass-1.0_eps-0.02_sigma-0.5.gif

cutoffr:1.0、ε:0.02、sigma:1.3、dt-0.001 BulletWallSystem_eps-0.02_sigma-1.3_dt-0.001.gif

cutoffr:1.0、ε:0.3、σ:1.3、dt:0.01 BulletWallSystem_eps-0.3_sigma-1.3_dt-0.01.gif

cutoffr:1.0、ε:0.1、σ:1.2、dt:0.01 BulletWallSystem_eps-0.1_sigma-1.2_dt-0.01_2.gif

cutoffr:1.0、ε:0.1、σ:1.5、dt:0.001 BulletWallSystem_eps-0.1_sigma-1.5_dt-0.001.gif

cutoffr:1.0、ε:1、σ:1.5、dt:0.001 BulletWallSystem_eps-1_sigma-1.5_dt-0.001.gif

A system that receives a force that rotates like a tornado

#A system that receives a force that rotates like a tornado
class TornadeSystem(ParticleSystem):
    def __init__(self, cutoff_r, NX, NY, NZ, e, mass, eps, sigma):
        super().__init__(cutoff_r, NX = NX, NY = NY, NZ = NZ, e = e, mass = mass, eps = eps, sigma = sigma)
    #Create 3000 particles at random positions
    def init_particles(self):
        for _ in range(3000):
            x = self.X_MAX * random.random()
            y = self.Y_MAX * random.random()
            z = self.Z_MAX * random.random()
            self.particles.append(Particle(pos = [x, y, z], vel=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], mass = self.mass, type = 1))
    #A force that rotates around the z-axis(rot(r)∝[0,0,1]Power to become) × z
    def force(self, pos, vel, particle, t):
        return 0.05 * pos[2] * np.array([-(pos[1] - self.Y_MAX/2), pos[0] - self.X_MAX/2 , 0.0])# - 0.5 * np.array(vel)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    cutoff_r = 1.0
    e = 0.1
    mass = 1.0
    eps = 1
    sigma = 0.5
    dt = 0.001
    system = TornadeSystem(cutoff_r = cutoff_r, NX = 100, NY = 100, NZ = 100, e = e, mass = mass, eps = eps, sigma = sigma)
    time = 0
    system.start_output_gif(fps = 0.1)
    while time <= 5:
        system.update(dt = dt, calc_method = Calculater.runge_kutta)
        time = system.get_time()
        print("Time : ", time)
    system.stop_output_gif(filename = "BoxGravitySystem_cutoffr-{}_mass-{}_eps-{}_sigma-{}_dt-{}.gif".format(cutoff_r, mass, eps, sigma, dt))



Failure work TornadeSystem_cutoffr-1.0_mass-1.0_eps-0.001_sigma-0.1_dt-0.01_bak2.gif


Adjusting the parameters doesn't work very well





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