[GO] [Java] Find prime numbers with an Eratosthenes sieve


In my usual development, I don't have a chance to touch the textbook algorithm, so I wrote a code to find a prime number using "Eratosthenes Sieve" as a brain teaser.



static void printPrimeNumbers(int maxNumber) {

	//Step 1: Put "integer from 2 to upper limit" in the search list.
	List<Integer> targetNumbers = IntStream.rangeClosed(2, maxNumber).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());

	//Prime number list
	List<Integer> primeNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();

	int sqrt = (int) Math.sqrt(maxNumber);

	//Step 3: Continue the sieving operation until the first value in the search list reaches the square root of the argument.
	while(targetNumbers.get(0)<=sqrt) {
		//Step 2: Put the first number in the search list into the prime number list and screen multiples from the search list.
		int firstNum = targetNumbers.get(0);
		targetNumbers.removeIf(num -> (num % firstNum == 0));

	//Step 4: Move the values remaining in the search list to the prime number list and finish the process.

	//Display of prime numbers
	System.out.println(primeNumbers.stream().map(pNum -> pNum.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining("\t")));
//Output result when 100 is specified in the argument of printPrimeNumbers
2	3	5	7	11	13	17	19	23	29	31	37	41	43	47	53	59	61	67	71	73	79	83	89	97	


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