I am keenly aware of the convenience of graphql-code-generator, part 2


Today and today, front React + back Rails ...

So, this time, as a continuation of I am keenly aware of the convenience of graphql-code-generator, Mutation such as registration and deletion etc. I will do the part of.

For the time being, try according to Apollo's formula

First, we will create a mechanism to add TODO.

I have prepared an additional text field. Enter a value here and enter will execute additional processing.

スクリーンショット 2020-09-22 12.44.46.png


+import { gql, useMutation } from "@apollo/client";


+const ADD_TODO = gql`
+  mutation addTodo($name: String!) {
+    addTodo(input: { name: $name }) {
+      todo {
+        id
+        name
+      }
+    }
+  }

 const App = () => {
   const { loading, data } = useTodosQuery();
+  const [addTodo] = useMutation(ADD_TODO);

+        <input
+          type="text"
+          onKeyPress={(e) => {
+            if (e.key === "Enter") {
+              addTodo({ variables: { name: e.currentTarget.value } });
+            }
+          }}
+        />
         {loading ? (

We have created a mechanism that allows you to enter characters and perform additional processing with Enter.

If you reload the screen after pressing enter, you can see that TODO has been added.

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Since you can't understand the movement without reloading, in addition to the additional processing, clear the input field and re-acquire the list information.


-  const { loading, data } = useTodosQuery();
+  const { loading, data, refetch } = useTodosQuery();
-  const [addTodo] = useMutation(ADD_TODO);
+  const [addTodo] = useMutation(ADD_TODO, {
+    update() {
+      refetch();
+    },
+  });


           onKeyPress={(e) => {
             if (e.key === "Enter") {
               addTodo({ variables: { name: e.currentTarget.value } });
+              e.currentTarget.value = "";

No particular error occurred regarding type.

Try to make it a little more convenient

Without inputting anything, execute the registration process and put in a mechanism that causes an error.

Added a validation error field to Todo to include the following values in the response:


We also added a result field (Boolean) to see if the result of the process was successful.

If result is true, reload the list, and if false, create a mechanism to display error information with ʻalert`.


 const ADD_TODO = gql`
   mutation addTodo($name: String!) {
     addTodo(input: { name: $name }) {
       todo {
+        errors {
+          field
+          error
+        }
+      result


   const [addTodo] = useMutation(ADD_TODO, {
-    update() {
-      refetch();
-    },
-  });
+    update(
+      _cache,
+      {
+        data: {
+          addTodo: {
+            todo: { errors },
+            result,
+          },
+        },
+      }
+    ) {
+      if (result) {
+        refetch();
+      } else {
+        errors.forEach(({ field, error }) => {
+          alert(`${field} ${error}`);
+        });
+      }
+    },
+  });

An error occurred because the type of ʻerrors` was not declared.

スクリーンショット 2020-09-22 16.10.28.png

I will declare the type.

type ValidationErrorType = {
  field: string;
  error: string;
-errors.forEach(({ field, error }) => {
+errors.forEach(({ field, error }: ValidationErrorType) => {
  alert(`${field} ${error}`);

The error has been resolved and validation error messages can now be seen with ʻalert`.

スクリーンショット 2020-09-22 16.15.46.png

Like last time, I will use graphql-code-generator to clean it up.

use graphql-code-generator

First from the settings

Create a directory for mutations separately from queries, and store the query created this time there.


-documents: ./graphql/queries/*.graphql
+  - ./graphql/mutations/*.graphql
+  - ./graphql/queries/*.graphql


mutation addTodo($name: String!) {
  addTodo(input: { name: $name }) {
    todo {
      errors {

Now when you run yarn generate, you have ʻuseAddTodoMutation for adding TODO to src / types.d.ts`.

Let's rewrite the additional process using ʻuseAddTodoMutation`.

-import { useTodosQuery } from "./types.d";
+import { useTodosQuery, useAddTodoMutation } from "./types.d";

+const [addTodo] = useMutation(ADD_TODO, {
+const [addTodo] = useAddTodoMutation({

Hmm? An error has occurred.

スクリーンショット 2020-09-22 21.01.17.png

Apparently data may be null or ʻundefined`.

With that in mind, I'll rewrite it a bit.

const [addTodo] = useAddTodoMutation({
  update(_cache, { data }) {
    const result = data?.addTodo?.result || false;
    const errors = data?.addTodo?.todo.errors || [];

    if (result) {
    } else {
      errors.forEach((e) => {
        if (e) alert(`${e.field} ${e.error}`);

It needed a bit of tweaking, but it's refreshing in terms of source because it no longer requires queries and type declarations: thumbsup:

Try to implement the deletion process in the same way

Although it is a rough idea, a delete button is provided next to each TODO so that the delete process can be executed.

スクリーンショット 2020-09-27 23.50.47.png


mutation delTodo($id: ID!) {
  delTodo(input: { id: $id }) {
    todo {

You need to get an ID to identify the TODO to be deleted.

In graphql / queries / todos.graphql, only the name of TODO is acquired, so modify it so that it takes ʻid`.


 query todos {
   todos {
+    id

Running yarn generate created the ʻuseDelTodoMutation function in src / types.d.ts`.

Use this ʻuseDelTodoMutation to enable the delete process to be executed when the delete` button is clicked.


-import { useTodosQuery, useAddTodoMutation } from "./types.d";
+import { useTodosQuery, useAddTodoMutation, useDelTodoMutation } from "./types.d";

+const [delTodo] = useDelTodoMutation({
+  update() {
+    refetch();
+  }

-{data && data.todos.map(({ name }, i) => <li key={i}>{name}</li>)}
+{data && data.todos.map(({ id, name }, i) => <li key={i}>{name}<button onClick={() => delTodo({ variables: { id } })}>Delete</button></li>)}

I was able to easily implement the deletion process: tada:



Since list acquisition, addition processing, and deletion processing are implemented on one screen and component, it may have become a slightly large file.

It may be possible to define the type definition and query information in another file and use ʻimport`, but I think that management may become complicated gradually if there are multiple people manually.

I thought that if this was developed according to the rules of graphql-code-generator in a sense, that problem would be solved.

This time, I implemented it as a fairly small example, so I didn't feel any obstacles to the introduction. I think it's an LGTM tool: thumbs up:

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