[PYTHON] Experimented with unicode, decode and encode

I'll always forget it, so make a note of it str: unicode = "A": "U + 3042" Encode unicode to str decoding str makes unicode When operating a combination of two character strings, it is necessary to align them to either one. There are different types of unicode such as shift_jis and utf-8, so you need to specify them. u "Japanese" becomes unicode (It was written that it was clearly stated that it was utf-8, but I don't understand the meaning. It's unicode) I'm not sure who "\ #!--coding: utf-8--" is (this also declares that the source is written in utf-8, but it's easy. I feel like it's a lie. What if I save it in sjis and declare it?)


#!-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
course_key = "test:April 05, 2012:00:00〜00:00"
print type(course_key)
#<type 'str'>
u_course_key = u"test:April 05, 2012:00:00〜00:00"
print type(u_course_key)
#<type 'unicode'>
unicode_key = course_key.decode("utf-8")
print type(unicode_key)
#<type 'unicode'>
encode_key = unicode_key.encode("utf-8")
print type(encode_key)
#<type 'str'>
time_zone =  re.sub(r'.*(\d{2}Month\d{2}Day:\d{2}:\d{2}〜\d{2}:\d{2}).*',r'\1',course_key)
print type(time_zone)
#<type 'str'>
print time_zone
#April 05:00:00〜00:00

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