[Java] Main data types


List the main data types provided in Java and organize the characteristics of each type.

Assumed reader

--Beginner Java Engineer

About data type

What is a data type?

Data handled by programming languages is classified into several types, and rules such as names, characteristics, ranges, handling methods, notations, and recording methods on memory are defined for each type.

Source: [What is a data type? --IT Glossary e-Words](http://e-words.jp/w/%E3%83%87%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BF%E5% 9E% 8B.html)

Why it exists

To clarify the use of data.

[Java] Data type list

Data type value Remarks
boolean true(true)or fake(false) Logical type
char 16-bit Unicode characters * Not a character string
String String
byte 8-bit integer -128~127
short 16-bit integer -32,768~32,767
int 32-bit integer -2,147,483,648~2,147,483,647
long 64-bit integer -9,223,372,036,854,775,808~9,223,372,036,854,775,807
float 32-bit single precision floating point number
double 64-bit single precision floating point number


What is Unicode

One of the international industry standards for character codes, which records characters in various languages around the world, assigns serial numbers, and allows them to be used under the same code system.

Quote: What is Unicode-IT Glossary e-Words

Characters and strings

A character as a symbol is called a "character", and a collection of characters is called a "character string".

What is a bit

The smallest unit of information, the amount of information that identifies one of two options. The etymology is called "binary digit", and it is expressed as a single digit of a binary number that takes either 0 or 1 in computers and the like. Replacing all information with bit strings and handling it is called "digital".

Quote: What is Bit--IT Glossary e-Words

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