[PYTHON] [Under investigation] Logistic regression @ scikit-learn's Penalty and Solver's deep relationship

When using the LogisticRegression module of scikit-learn, I do not understand the correspondence between Penalty and Solver Official document I looked it up, but it wasn't ready to tell at a glance, and I was confused for a while. .. .. Therefore, first, I will summarize the correspondence / non-correspondence relationship between Penalty and Solver in a list, and I will add detailed information on Solver and Penalty in the future.

Correspondence / non-correspondence between Penalty and Solver

Penalty / Solver newton-cg lbfgs(default) liblinear sag saga
L1 × × ×
L2(default) ×
Elasticnet × × × ×
None ×

Explanation of Penalty / Solver

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