[PYTHON] Libraries that should be included when creating APIs in the Django Rest Frakework environment, vscode extensions, etc. (for beginners)


python3 premise


People who mainly use the front end but want to make an API with Django Rest Framework People who used to be Django main but want to get started with Django Rest Framework Anyone who wants to know what libraries others are making in the Django Rest Framework environment

PyPI library

Priority A (DX drops significantly if not used)

flake8 Die without linter + formatter

autopep8 Die without pep8 standard autoformer

drf-yasg Based on the serializer request / response used by Django Rest Framework A library that automatically generates swagger. Required. You should also read the documentation carefully. This is recommended because django-rest-swagger has not been updated. https://github.com/axnsan12/drf-yasg

djangorestframework-camel-case A library that turns a snake case into a camel case when generating an API. Required because the front end usually uses a camel case.

FactoryBoy A library that creates random test data. Frequently used during testing. Required.

django-cors-headers A library that simplifies CORS management. Required.

django-import-export Data can be imported / exported in CSV format from the management screen.

Priority B (may be used depending on the environment)

django-admin-sortable A library that allows you to sort models on the management screen

django-ses A library for easily sending Amazon SES with Django

boto3 SDK for AWS Especially used frequently when using S3

Priority C (Preference)

django-jet It makes the management screen look good.

VS Code extension

Priority A (DX drops significantly if not used)

Python https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-python It won't start without this

Priority B (may be used depending on the environment)

TabNine Complementary tool by machine learning. I use it in other languages, but I think Python is particularly compatible.

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