Ruby / rexml: Turn each with an element with the same name

What i wanted to do

From the xml file provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency with Ruby rexml I am trying to get the alarm information and make some judgment according to the situation.

Ruby 2.6.3 require 'rexml/document'

What didn't work

Parse the following files and put them in doc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:jmx="" xmlns:jmx_add="">
--- Omitted between ---
  <Head xmlns="">
--- Omitted between ---
      <Text>In Osaka Prefecture, be careful of landslides, severe gusts such as tornadoes, and lightning strikes.</Text>
      <Information type="Weather warnings / warnings (prefectural forecast areas, etc.)">
            <Name>Heavy rain warning</Name>
            <Name>Lightning warning</Name>
          <Areas codeType="Meteorological information / prefecture forecast zone, subdivision area, etc.">
Less than,<Information>Followed by

I want to turn each statement with the element , so first

item = doc.elements['//Item']
item.each do |kind|
puts kind

This caused a problem because the each statement was sent to all the child elements.

I found two solutions by asking questions on other sites.

--Use REXML :: XPath.match (answered)

require 'rexml/document'

doc ='index.xml'))

kinds = REXML::XPath.match(doc, '/Item/Kind')

kinds.each do |kind|
  puts kind.to_s

--Use get_elements (self-solving)

doc.get_elements('//Information/Item/Kind') do |kind|
  puts kind

Next challenge

The results were the same for both, but what's the difference? Find out if both are the same.


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