Define abstract methods in Java enum and write each behavior


This entry deals with defining abstract methods in Java enums and writing their behavior. (The one written in Effective Java 3rd edition is almost the same. Make a note of what you tried.)

Java enum

Java enums allow you to define methods as well as values.

Pattern that defines only the value

    enum Operator {

On the other hand, you can define a method for each value and write it as shown in the figure below.

    enum Operator {
        PLUS {
            BigDecimal apply(@NonNull BigDecimal lhs, @NonNull BigDecimal rhs) {
                return lhs.add(rhs);
            BigDecimal apply(@NonNull BigDecimal lhs, @NonNull BigDecimal rhs) {
                return lhs.subtract(rhs);
        MULTIPLY {
            BigDecimal apply(@NonNull BigDecimal lhs, @NonNull BigDecimal rhs) {
                return lhs.multiply(rhs);
        DIVIDE {
            BigDecimal apply(@NonNull BigDecimal lhs, @NonNull BigDecimal rhs) {
                return lhs.divide(rhs, BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY);//;
        NONE {
            // allow null for rhs
            BigDecimal apply(@NonNull BigDecimal lhs, BigDecimal rhs) {
                return lhs;

        abstract BigDecimal apply(BigDecimal lhs, BigDecimal rhs);

In "abstract BigDecimal apply (BigDecimal lhs, BigDecimal rhs);" in enum, the method to be defined for all values is specified, and the method is overridden when each value is declared.

(Supplement) In the above source, "@NonNull" is one of annotations provided by lombok that implements Null check. is.

Example of use

If you define an enum in the above form, for example, the following method

    public synchronized BigDecimal pushEvalButton() {
        var v = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());
        switch(currentOperator) {
            case PLUS: {
                v = stack.add(getCurrentValue());
            case SUBTRACT: {
                  v = stack.subtract(getCurrentValue());
            case MULTIPLY: {
                  v = stack.multiply(getCurrentValue());
            case DIVIDE: {
                  v = stack.divide(getCurrentValue(), BigDecimal.ROUND_UNNECESSARY);//
            case NONE: {
                return v;
            default: {
                throw new RuntimeException("Not defined.");
        currentOperator = Operator.NONE;
        return v;

You can write clearly as follows.

    public synchronized BigDecimal pushEvalButton() {
        var v = new BigDecimal(sb.toString());

        if(Operator.NONE == currentOperator) {
            return v;
        v = currentOperator.apply(stack, getCurrentValue());
        currentOperator = Operator.NONE;
        return v;

Since the content has moved to the enum method, it is natural that the code is reduced from the original method, but I felt that the following are merits. --I was able to expel the default in the switch --By using enum methods in other places, the processing is put together in one place.


In this entry, I explained how to define abstract methods in Java enum and write their behaviors with an example.

See [This commit] on GitHub ( for an example of the difference above.

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