Probably wrong usage of Colaboratory (try Kotlin)


The 4th series of how to use Colaboratory that is different for many minutes

This time I was asked by a junior at the company, so I would like to try Kotlin.

Past articles

-Maybe wrong usage of Colaboratory (Introduction to Go) -Maybe wrong usage of Colaboratory (introduction to now) -Maybe wrong usage of Colaboratory (using the latest nodejs)

What is Kotlin

The so-called JVM language that runs in the Java virtual machine. Java assets available. It is mainly an improvement of the bad part of Java.

Please see this page for details.

-I received an order for Android development, so it was great to use Kotlin tightly

Environmental setting

Preparing for Colaboratory

Click Google Colaboratory (

If this is your first time, a note "Welcome to Colaboratory" will open. Select "File"-"New Python 3 Notebook" from the upper left menu to open a new note.

Java installation

Java can be installed with apt. I will install the latest version of 11 because it is a big deal.

Input cell

!apt install openjdk-11-jdk
!java --version
!javac --version

Install Kotlin

Officially, you can use SDKMAN, but you cannot use shell tools in Colaboratory. (Maybe I just don't know) So, I don't use SDKMAN, I just throw it in directly.

Input cell

!curl -OL
!cp -r kotlinc/* /usr/local

Operation check

After all, the operation check is Hello World.

Input cell

%%writefile hello.kt 
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println("Hello, World!")

Input cell

!kotlinc hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar
!java -jar hello.jar

Output cell

Hello, World!

in conclusion

I was wondering if Kotlin is for Android, but it can be replaced with Java as it is, so it seems that anything can be done. I thought I would study properly.

So, I may also do the Web Framework edition (Spring).

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