[LINUX] HDD installation on Slax's Virtualbox


I installed Slax, one of the lightweight Linux, in Virtualbox.


Download the ISO file from the Home Site.

Launch in Virtualbox

Start by specifying a live CD (ISO file). RAM was set to 512MB.

Aftermath in Virtualbox

Remove the live CD.

Working in Terminal

  1. fdisk image.png Add Bootable flag to Partition.

  2. mkfs image.png

  3. Path to HDD image.png

  4. Copy Slax ISO file into this VM This time, I got it from another machine with scp.

  5. Slax ISO file mount image.png

  6. Copy files to HDD image.png

  7. HDD boot settings image.png image.png

  8. Shutdown image.png

  9. Atoshimatsu (removal of live CD) image.png

  10. Start up Abbreviation.


I think it's light.

Reference site

Slax 9.6.3 VirtualBox Install

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