[PYTHON] Grant Redash dashboard change permission

Redash dashboards and queries can only be modified by admin or the owner. It doesn't matter if you belong to the same group.

Since it is possible to grant change permission to individual users, we will describe how to do so.


Redash 8.0.0+b32245 (a16f551e)

How it works

This can be achieved by adding a record to Redash's access_permissions table. I don't want to touch PostgreSQL directly, so I add a record by using AccessPermission.grant.

What to do here

Grant the dashboard modification authority held by one user (old_user) to another user (new_user).

How to do

Open a shell in Redash.


docker-compose exec server ./manage.py shell

Copy and paste the following.

# ./manage.py shell
from redash.models.users import AccessPermission, User
from redash.models.base import db
from redash.models import Dashboard
from redash import permissions

from contextlib import contextmanager

old_user = User.get_by_id(5)
new_user = User.get_by_id(2)

def grant_dashboards():
    all_dashboards = Dashboard.all(
    not_exists_dashboards = not_exists_obj(all_dashboards)

def not_exists_obj(objects):
    return [
        obj for obj in objects
        if not AccessPermission.exists(obj, permissions.ACCESS_TYPE_MODIFY, new_user)

def grant(objects):
        for obj in objects:
            # !!! grantee == grantor
            AccessPermission.grant(obj, permissions.ACCESS_TYPE_MODIFY, new_user, new_user)
    except Exception:


The grantor is set to new_user, but there is no deep meaning. https://github.com/getredash/redash/blob/004bc7a2ac0de041907ab0b9b560151ea7057332/redash/models/users.py#L332

By the way

The query can also be realized by the same thing as described above. Also, by enabling Enable experimental multiple owners support from the settings (/ settings / organization), you can grant permissions to the user from the query edit screen.

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