You can often find examples of getting the average, minimum, and maximum values in pandas, I often created groups and processed them, so I summarized my memorandum instead. ~~ I feel like I'm going to get stuck in what number of decoctions ... ~~
I am using Jupyter Notebook to check the operation.
The data used is the data of adverse events of JADER.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
First, group by ** identification number ** so that each case is unique
groupCaseNo=reacs.groupby('Identification number')
Since it is grouped by identification number, you can get the grouped keys by using groups
as shown below.
Processing can be performed for each key by doing the following.
The contents of get_group
can be obtained by using the grouping key.
for case in groupCaseNo.groups.keys():
It is possible to combine strings using a function by using ʻapply` as shown below. Anonymous functions are possible using lambda, but I think you'll have to create a separate function when doing complicated things.
def getRecordAe(data):
return data.Harmful event serial number+':'+data.Adverse event
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