[PYTHON] [Free] Hit the Clash Royale API from lambda and send it to LINE

Previously, I wrote an article Put the Clash Royale API from lambda and send it to LINE.

The system itself is completed here, but there was a problem that it cost a lot of money.

The cause of this problem was that the Clash Royale API (Clash Royale API) restricted the accessible IPs. This time, by using the public proxy provided by Royale API, I was able to ** hit the Clash Royale API from lambda and send it to LINE ** for free, so I will write it as an article.



Exactly the same as the previous article, the player name and the period of neglect will arrive on LINE



Clash Royale API needs to specify the IP address, but by using Proxy of Royale API, it is no longer necessary to fix the IP address on the AWS side.

Royale API Proxy

About Royale API

In a nutshell, it's the ** informal being closest to the official ** If you are a Clarova user, you may have heard about it, such as promptly communicating update information and collecting and publishing play data statistics.

Also, although it is currently stopped, it provided an unofficial API even before the official API of Clash Royale was provided.

How to use

As written in Document

  1. Allow the address when creating the Clash Royale API Key
  2. Rewrite api.clashroyale.com in the URL to send the request to proxy.royaleapi.dev


There are many opinions that "public proxy is dangerous"

-[Personal information extraction case] Never use a public proxy server -Beware of malicious "public proxies", passwords may be stolen

The dangers mentioned here are as you say and should be kept in mind.

The information via the Royale API Proxy will be the official Clash Royale API key in the header and the data obtained from the API. The API key is free and there are no restrictions, and I don't want to keep the data I get secret, so I think that's okay (in my opinion).

It's up to you to decide whether to take convenience or security.

Creating a Clash Royale API Key

Select My Account from the name in the upper right corner of developer.clashroyale.com and create a new key from Create New Key


スクリーンショット 2021-01-03 15.33.30.png

Generate a key with Create Key and save the created token

スクリーンショット 2021-01-03 15.43.00.png

Implementation (change from before)

Describes the changes in Old Code and Modified Code.

Please refer to Previous article for explanations other than the changes.


#Change before
CR_BASE_URL = 'https://api.clashroyale.com/v1'
#After change
CR_BASE_URL = 'https://proxy.royaleapi.dev/v1'

Remove unnecessary parts of serverless.yml

  #Removed description of VPC roles
    - Effect: "Allow"
        - "ec2:CreateNetworkInterface"
        - "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces"
        - "ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface"
        - "*"

  #Removed description about VPC security group

Change API key

Add API key to .env file

CR_ACCESS_KEY_PROXY=[API key created this time]

Change the environment variable of API key set in serverless.yml

# you can define service wide environment variables here
    #Change before
    #After change

Finally, run serverless deploy and you're done

At the end

Thanks to RoyaleAPI, he returned to Lambda, who can do anything easily.

Royale API is a site operated by volunteers. You can help from the Donate Page You can also help with the creator code Royale API.

This configuration is free thanks to the Royale API. Let's support with the creator code etc.!

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