[PYTHON] I tried using eval (a, b) for Fibonacci, but it wasn't fast

Yes. It finishes a little earlier than the one on the reference site, but I'm not sure, but I have to leave a memo. Reference http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sakurai_youhei/20130107/1357568535


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
#from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import io
import re
import math

####Memory usage and operating time check preparation
from guppy import hpy
import time
start = time.clock()
h = hpy()
####Up to here
#It seems to be posted
def fib(n):
    if n < 2: return n
    return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)

#print fib(50)

def fib2(n):
    return reduce(lambda x,y: x+[x[-1]+x[-2],], xrange(n-1), [a,b])[n]
print fib2(10000)

def fib3(n):
    for i in range(n):
    print a

#print fib3(500000)

#def fib4(n):
#    n+=3
#    f=[(seq.append(seq[i-2] + seq[i-1]), seq[i-2])[1] for seq in [[0, 1]] #for
#            i in range(2, n)]
#    print f[-1]
#print fib4(500000)

def fib5(n):
    for i in range(n):
    print a

#print fib5(500000)

#if __name__ == 'main':
#    print(fib(100))

####Memory usage and operating time output
end = time.clock()
print (h.heap())
print (end - start)

fib (n) and fib2 (n) are the first, and fib3 (n) is the pattern I tried with eval. I'm not sure because eval is used because the calculation result is taken out differently. I don't know.

Something like a comparison result

function processing time F(3)The value of the
fib() 0.008658 seconds 2
fib2() 0.011694 seconds 2
fib3() 0.011055 seconds 2
function processing time F(10)The value of the
fib() 0.010526 seconds 55
fib2() 0.008879 seconds 55
fib3() 0.011909 seconds 55
function processing time F(35)The value of the
fib() 5.782845 seconds 9227465
fib2() 0.011936 seconds 9227465
fib3() 0.010569 seconds 9227465

Pattern 1 seems to take a lot of time. .. .. Well, that's it. There is no point in writing the calculation result, and since it will be a large number like a fool, I will write down only the processing speed after that.

function processing time F(50)The value of the
fib() 7997.16923 seconds -
fib2() 0.009155 seconds -
fib3() 0.010594 seconds -

You don't have to try pattern 1 anymore. .. .. ..

function processing time F(10000)The value of the
fib2() 0.376591 seconds -
fib3() 0.111379 seconds -
fib5() 0.012429 seconds -
function processing time F(100000)The value of the
fib2() 215.1977 92 seconds -
fib3() 1.23247 seconds -
fib5() 0.176561 seconds -
function processing time F(500000)The value of the
fib3() 10.064515 seconds -
fib5() 3.950023 seconds -

bonus ・ When n = 777777 fib5() Processing speed 9.299923

It seems that the format and comparison method may not be fair. Well, when I have to remember how to write some patterns and worry about the processing speed, I wonder which pattern is faster.

13/12/15 Yes. The measured values for a, b = b, a + b, which I received in the comments, have been added to the table in the column of fib5 ().

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