"RVM" is pre-installed in Cloud9 environment, but I have to update RVM when installing the latest stable version of Ruby, so make a note.
** RVM ** is an abbreviation for ** R ** uby ** V ** ersion ** M ** analger. Used to manage Ruby versions. For example, you can install, uninstall, switch versions, and so on.
Official site RVM: Ruby Version Manager - RVM Ruby Version Manager - Documentation
To ensure security, RVM checks for signatures. If you do not have the key installed, leave it.
RVM: Ruby Version Manager -
Copy the command from. It is convenient to triple-click.
In the Cloud9 console, paste and run the command after sudo (run with root privileges).
You have now installed the key.
rvm -v
It's 1.29.8 right now, but I want to make it 1.29.10!
Update (upgrade) is a get command.
rvm get <version>
If you want to update to 1.29.10, it will be as follows.
rvm get 1.29.10
Now, specify the version and execute the get command.
Display the RVM version for confirmation.
rvm -v
You have now updated.
Use this when you want to look up a command.
rvm help
Both are displayed.
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