AtoP A service that allows you to create a band homepage
I joined SIer this year as a new graduate and started to operate, maintain and develop Web services. As I fixed bugs and carried out additional development, I became able to understand the program a little, but I felt that I could not understand how the Web service works. Therefore, I thought that I could understand it by creating a Web service from scratch, and started development.
Amateur bands felt that they often created Twitter and Instagram accounts, but not homepages. (Does homepage production feel like a high hurdle?)
I wanted a site that had information on amateur bands.
PHP,MySQL I touched it a little when I was a student
C#,SQL Server,Git Used in business
Python I often hear it so I wanted to touch it
Django It seemed to be the most documented Python web framework
MySQL I was at a loss with PostgreSQL, but I chose MySQL that I have used
Bootstrap I didn't have the confidence to write CSS from scratch ...
Git Used when deploying because it is developed on multiple PCs
AWS EC2 AWS RDS AWS Route53 I feel that the word I've heard the most after getting a job is AWS ...
Let's Encrypt I heard that SSL certificates can be used easily
0 ~ 1 month Investigate Django Development environment construction Implementation of membership registration, login, and logout functions 2-3 months Implementation of other functions Bootstrap research and introduction 4th month Build a production environment on a rental server → I don't know ... 5th month Build a production environment on AWS Landing page production Release
Google analytics Google Search Console
Time to write code: 5% Time to write design: 10% Time to build environment: 15% Time spent investigating and researching: 70%
The result was that most of the five months were spent on the survey. Most things have come to be understood (feeling) by examining them.
By building a server on AWS, I gained knowledge about network configuration. I got a basic knowledge about AWS services. I found out what it takes to publish a web service to the Internet.
How to get users I want to collect about the domain fee even if it is within the AWS free frame SEO measures design
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