A program that failed when trying to create a linebot with reference to "Dialogue system made with python"

12/26 was done

I tried to make the weather forecast on the official line by referring to the weather forecast bot of the book "Dialogue system made with python".

An incomplete weather forecast program that could not retain state transition information

When I ran the program below, the state transition did not go well. linebot> Please enter the place name

User> Nara Prefecture

linebot> Please enter the date

User> Today

linebot> Please enter the place name

What I thought

Since it has transitioned from ask_place to ask_date once by sending the place name ・ Transition information cannot be retained -The transition information is initialized every time a message is received from the user. It may be either.

What I tried

In weather_system1.py, every time the reply method is called, sm.start () transitions to the initial state, so when sm.activeStateNames () is empty, it transitions to the initial state.

    def reply(self, push_text):
         sm  = QtScxml.QScxmlStateMachine.fromFile('states.scxml')
         if sm.activeStateNames() == []:
             text = push_text
             self.sessiondic = {"statemachine":sm, "place":"", "date":"", "type":""}
             current_state = sm.activeStateNames()[0]
             print("current_state=", current_state)....... 


No change.

What i don't understand

How to make state transitions through conversation. Whether there is a dispatcher or idle of python-telegram-bot in line-bot-sdk. (I searched for it, but I'm not good at English, so I might miss it.)



import sys
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtScxml
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time

class WeatherSystem:

    #List of prefecture names
    prefs = ['Triple', 'Kyoto', 'Saga', 'Hyogo', 'Hokkaido', 'Chiba', 'Wakayama', 'Saitama', 'Oita',
             'Osaka', 'Nara', 'Miyagi', 'Miyazaki', 'Toyama', 'Yamaguchi', 'Yamagata', 'Yamanashi', 'Gifu', 'Okayama',
             'Iwate', 'Shimane', 'Hiroshima', 'Tokushima', 'Ehime', 'Aichi', 'Niigata', 'Tokyo',
             'Tochigi', 'Okinawa', 'Shiga', 'Kumamoto', 'Ishikawa', 'Kanagawa', 'Fukui', 'Fukuoka', 'Fukushima', 'Akita',
             'Gunma', 'Ibaraki', 'Nagasaki', 'Nagano', 'Aomori', 'Shizuoka', 'Kagawa', 'Kochi', 'Tottori', 'Kagoshima','ksjgihurhtknskhifhsignrw22']
    #Dictionary for getting latitude and longitude from prefecture name
    latlondic = {'Hokkaido': (43.06, 141.35), 'Aomori': (40.82, 140.74), 'Iwate': (39.7, 141.15), 'Miyagi': (38.27, 140.87),
                 'Akita': (39.72, 140.1), 'Yamagata': (38.24, 140.36), 'Fukushima': (37.75, 140.47), 'Ibaraki': (36.34, 140.45),
                 'Tochigi': (36.57, 139.88), 'Gunma': (36.39, 139.06), 'Saitama': (35.86, 139.65), 'Chiba': (35.61, 140.12),
                 'Tokyo': (35.69, 139.69), 'Kanagawa': (35.45, 139.64), 'Niigata': (37.9, 139.02), 'Toyama': (36.7, 137.21),
                 'Ishikawa': (36.59, 136.63), 'Fukui': (36.07, 136.22), 'Yamanashi': (35.66, 138.57), 'Nagano': (36.65, 138.18),
                 'Gifu': (35.39, 136.72), 'Shizuoka': (34.98, 138.38), 'Aichi': (35.18, 136.91), 'Triple': (34.73, 136.51),
                 'Shiga': (35.0, 135.87), 'Kyoto': (35.02, 135.76), 'Osaka': (34.69, 135.52), 'Hyogo': (34.69, 135.18),
                 'Nara': (34.69, 135.83), 'Wakayama': (34.23, 135.17), 'Tottori': (35.5, 134.24), 'Shimane': (35.47, 133.05),
                 'Okayama': (34.66, 133.93), 'Hiroshima': (34.4, 132.46), 'Yamaguchi': (34.19, 131.47), 'Tokushima': (34.07, 134.56),
                 'Kagawa': (34.34, 134.04), 'Ehime': (33.84, 132.77), 'Kochi': (33.56, 133.53), 'Fukuoka': (33.61, 130.42),
                 'Saga': (33.25, 130.3), 'Nagasaki': (32.74, 129.87), 'Kumamoto': (32.79, 130.74), 'Oita': (33.24, 131.61),
                 'Miyazaki': (31.91, 131.42), 'Kagoshima': (31.56, 130.56), 'Okinawa': (26.21, 127.68)}

    #A dictionary that links states and system utterances
    uttdic = {"ask_place": "Please say the place name",
              "ask_date": "Please say the date",
              "ask_type": "Please tell me the information type"}    

    current_weather_url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather'
    forecast_url = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast'
    appid = '6dbf61393fba9e88099d19dcdafc6c25' #Please enter your APP ID

    def __init__(self):
        #Magic about Qt
        app = QtCore.QCoreApplication()

        #Dictionary for managing dialogue sessions
        self.sessiondic = {}


    #A function that extracts prefecture names from text. If not found, an empty string is returned.
    def get_place(self, text):
        for pref in self.prefs:
            if pref in text:
                return pref
            elif pref == 'ksjgihurhtknskhifhsignrw22':
                return ""

    #If the text has "today" or "tomorrow", it is returned. If not found, an empty string is returned.
    def get_date(self, text):
        if "today" in text:
            return "today"
        elif "tomorrow" in text:
            return "tomorrow"
            return ""

    #If the text has "weather" or "temperature", it is returned. If not found, an empty string is returned.
    def get_type(self, text):
        if "weather" in text:
            return "weather"
        elif "temperature" in text:
            return "temperature"
            return ""

    def get_current_weather(self, lat,lon):
        #Get weather information
        response = requests.get("{}?lat={}&lon={}&lang=ja&units=metric&APPID={}".format(self.current_weather_url,lat,lon,self.appid))
        return response.json()

    def get_tomorrow_weather(self, lat,lon):
        #Get time today
        today = datetime.today()
        #Get tomorrow's time
        tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1)
        #Get tomorrow noon time
        tomorrow_noon = datetime.combine(tomorrow, time(12,0))
        #Convert to UNIX time
        timestamp = tomorrow_noon.timestamp()
        #Get weather information
        response = requests.get("{}?lat={}&lon={}&lang=ja&units=metric&APPID={}".format(self.forecast_url,lat,lon,self.appid))
        dic = response.json()
        #Loop for weather information every 3 hours
        for i in range(len(dic["list"])):
            #i-th weather information (UNIX time)
            dt = float(dic["list"][i]["dt"])
            #The weather information will be returned when the data becomes data after noon tomorrow.
            if dt >= timestamp:
                return dic["list"][i]
        return ""

    """def initial_message(self):
        self.el  = QtCore.QEventLoop()        

        #Read SCXML file
        sm  = QtScxml.QScxmlStateMachine.fromFile('states.scxml')

        #A dictionary containing session IDs and session-related information
        self.sessiondic = {"statemachine":sm, "place":"", "date":"", "type":""}

        #Transition to the initial state

        #Get the initial state
        current_state = sm.activeStateNames()[0]
        print("current_state=", current_state)

        #Acquisition and output of system utterances linked to the initial state
        sysutt = self.uttdic[current_state]

        return {"utt":"This is a weather information guidance system." + sysutt, "end":False}"""

    def reply(self, push_text):
        self.el  = QtCore.QEventLoop()        

        #Read SCXML file
        sm  = QtScxml.QScxmlStateMachine.fromFile('states.scxml')

        #A dictionary containing session IDs and session-related information
        self.sessiondic = {"statemachine":sm, "place":"", "date":"", "type":""}

        #Transition to the initial state
        print('It's cool so far')
        text = push_text
        self.sessiondic = {"statemachine":sm, "place":"", "date":"", "type":""}
        current_state = sm.activeStateNames()[0]
        print("current_state=", current_state)        

        #State transition using user input
        if current_state == "ask_place":
            place = self.get_place(text)
            if place != "":
                self.sessiondic["place"] = place
                print("current_state=", current_state)
        elif current_state == "ask_date":
            date = self.get_date(text)
            if date != "":
                self.sessiondic["date"] = date
                print("current_state=", current_state)
        elif current_state == "ask_type":
            _type = self.get_type(text)
            if _type != "":
                self.sessiondic["type"] = _type

        #Get the state of the transition destination
        current_state = sm.activeStateNames()[0]
        print("current_state=", current_state)

        #The transition destination is tell_In the case of info, tell the information and finish
        if current_state == "tell_info":
            utts = []
            utts.append("I will tell you")
            place = self.sessiondic["place"]
            date = self.sessiondic["date"]
            _type = self.sessiondic["type"]

            lat = self.latlondic[place][0] #Get latitude from place
            lon = self.latlondic[place][1] #Get longitude from place
            if date == "today":
                cw = self.get_current_weather(lat,lon)
                if _type == "weather":
                elif _type == "temperature":
            elif date == "tomorrow":
                tw = self.get_tomorrow_weather(lat,lon)
                if _type == "weather":
                elif _type == "temperature":
            utts.append("Thank you for using")
            del self.sessiondic
            return {"utt":"。".join(utts), "end": True}

            #For other transition destinations, generate system utterances associated with the state
            sysutt = self.uttdic[current_state]
            return {'utt':sysutt,'end':False}


from flask import Flask,request,abort
from linebot import LineBotApi,WebhookHandler
from linebot.exceptions import InvalidSignatureError
from linebot.models import MessageEvent,TextMessage,TextSendMessage
import os
import requests
import pprint
from weather_system1 import WeatherSystem
import weather_system1

#Get environment variables
weather = WeatherSystem()

def callback():
    print("Callback 1")
    app.logger.info("Request body"+body)

    except InvalidSignatureError:
    return "OK"

def handle_message(event):
    print('Handle message')
    #Stores the entered character string
    push_text = event.message.text
    #weather_system1.Weather in py_Instantiate the system class
    reply_text = weather.reply(push_text)["utt"]

    #Description of reply part

if __name__=="__main__":


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scxml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml" version="1.0" initial="ask_place">
  <state id="ask_place">			      
    <transition event="place" target="ask_date"/>
  <state id="ask_date">			      
    <transition event="date" target="ask_type"/>
  <state id="ask_type">			      
    <transition event="type" target="tell_info"/>
  <final id="tell_info"/>

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