[PYTHON] Learn with Pixel 4 camera Depth map-3 (image correction)


This article cuts out only the Code part handled in the article serialized in Note. If you are interested in the technical background, please refer to the Note article. This time is a continuation of Last time. Last time, we were able to generate a Gain Map that corrects Dark shading. Noise removal and Edge enhancement processing will be performed using the image after Dark shading correction using this Gain map. Most of the processing is implemented in OpenCV, so we use them to build functions.

Image correction processing

The general flow of the image correction process to be performed this time is briefly shown. Processing is done in this order.

  1. Noise removal (Bilateral filter)
  2. Edge emphasis (Unsharp mask)
  3. Pixel value normalization

Noise removal

The RAW image is a very grainy image due to variations in the characteristics of each pixel. For example, even if you take a picture of a flat white wall, if you zoom in and look closely, it will not look flat due to the effect of variation. Therefore, noise removal is performed to remove this pixel characteristic variation. The ideal noise removal removes only noise, but that is not the case. This is because the pixel characteristic variation is a random variation, so it is not easy to determine from what level it is called Noise. Therefore, the part that seems to be Noise is extracted using the information of the adjacent pixel, and the value of the Noise part is predicted from the characteristics of the adjacent pixel. This time, we will remove noise using the commonly used method called Bilateral. The image input to the function is standardized with a signal level of 0.0 to 1.0 Float in consideration of other image processing. The reason is to unify the input format because it may be 8bit or 10bit depending on the image format. I think it's better to use generics, but I quit because I'm studying. The bilateral filter function implemented in OpenCV accepts only 8-bit RGB-3ch images as input images, so it is temporarily converted to 8-bit images internally.


def _bilateral_filter(self, img: np.ndarray, kernel_size: int=3, disp: int = 75) -> np.ndarray:
        """ apply bilateral filter in order to reduce random noise
        img: np.ndarray
         target image
        kernel_size: int
         filter kernal size, default size is 3x3
        disp: int
         dispartion parameter, default value is 75

        cor_img: np.ndarray
         image after bilateral filtering
        # convert data from float to 8bit data
        img_8_bit = img * 255
        img_8_bit_int = img_8_bit.astype(np.uint8)

        cor_img = cv2.bilateralFilter(img_8_bit_int, kernel_size, disp, disp)

        # return
        return cor_img

Edge emphasis

Edge is blurred in the image after noise removal due to the influence of Filter. So we need to fix this Edge bokeh. There are various ways to emphasize Edge, but Edge is emphasized using the Unsharp mask, which is often mentioned in textbooks and is also used inside the actual camera. The image before noise removal is org_img and the image after noise removal is target_img. Gaussian Blur filter is applied to the original image, and how much weight is applied to the Edge part is calculated by comparing it with the image after noise removal. The point is, isn't org_img good with the image after noise removal? about it. As a result of various experiments, it was more stable and better to use the image before noise removal, so I decided to adopt this plan.


def _unsharp_mask(self, org_img: np.ndarray, target_img: np.ndarray, sigma: int=2) -> np.ndarray:
        """ Apply unsharm mask to enhance object edge
        org_img: np.ndarray
         original image before noise reduction 
        target_img: np.ndarray
         target image after noise reduction
        sigma: int
          filter size of blur

        cor_img: np.ndarray
         unsharp-mask image
        offset = -0.5
        blur_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(org_img, (0, 0), sigma)
        cor_image = cv2.addWeighted(target_img, sigma + offset, blur_img, \
                    offset, 0)
        # return
        return cor_image

Pixel value normalization

Variations between images may occur depending on the shooting scene and light source conditions. If you perform processing to alleviate this variation to some extent, later processing will be easier. This is a method commonly used in machine learning. Here, this method is used to normalize the image data.


def _equalize_distribution(self, img: np.ndarray, grid_size: int=3, \
    sigma: int=32, mean_value: int = 128) -> np.ndarray:
        """ Equalize image signal distribution
        img: np.ndarray
         image data
        grid_sie: int
         distribution grid size to eqalize the signal distribution
        sigma: int
         sigma value of Gaussian
        mean_value: int
         mean value after equalization

        eq_img: np.ndarray
         eqalized image data
        # convert RGB -> HSV
        hsv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
        # split hsv into h,s and v
        h, s, v = cv2.split(hsv)
        # equalie the distribution
        clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(grid_size, grid_size))
        result = clahe.apply(v)

        # adjust distribution
        result_adj = (result - np.mean(result)) / np.std(result) * \
                    sigma + mean_value

        result_adj[result_adj>255] = 255 # inserted max value pinning 
        result = np.array(result_adj, dtype=np.uint8)
        # hsv -> RGB
        hsv = cv2.merge((h,s,result))
        eq_img = cv2.cvtColor(hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB)
        # return
        return eq_img

Other processing

These functions are premised on Dark Shafing correction. In a previous post I defined a dark class that is responsible for the Dark shading process. Define a function that performs dark shading correction using this class. The first is a function that Initializes the Left/Right Gain Map.


def set_dksh_gain_map(self, gain_map: np.ndarray, left: bool = True) -> bool:
        """ Setter of gain map for dark shading correction
        gain_map: np.ndarray
         gain map data
        left: bool
         location indicater, default is true -> left, false -> right
        if left:
            self.left_gain_map = gain_map
            return True
        self.right_gain_map = gain_map
        return True

Next is the function that actually adapts the Gain Map to the image. Before Return, it is once Normarized with the maximum value of the image. This is easier to use later.


def _correct_dksh(self, img: np.ndarray, gain_map: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """ correct dark shading by multiplying gain_map to raw image
        img: np.ndarray
         raw image data
        gain_map: np.ndarrray
         gain map to correct dark shading

        cor_img: np.ndarray
         corrected image
        # correct dark shading
        gain_map_one = np.ones((self._img_height, self._img_width, 3))
        cor_img = img * gain_map
        #cor_img = img * gain_map_one

        # normarization
        max_val = cor_img.max()
        cor_img /= max_val

        # return
        return cor_img

Overview of processing

The individual processing contents are shown above. The following is an overview of the process using these functions. Simply write to the process in order. Before Return, we are processing to binning values ​​that exceed the 8-bit range and values ​​that are 0 or less. Since it is processed by uint8, it is to avoid the image becoming strange in Overflow if it exceeds the range of 0 to 255.


def _core_process(self, img: np.ndarray, gain_map: np.ndarray, \
        bi_kernel_size: int=5, bi_disp: int=75, unsharp_sigma: int=2, \
        eq_grid_size: int=2, eq_sigma: int=32, eq_mean_value: int=128 ) -> np.ndarray:
        """ run all image processes
        img: np.ndarray
         raw image, just read from data
        gain_map: np.ndarray
         gain map in order to correct dark shading
        bi_kernel_size: int
         kernel size for bilateral filter, default value is 5
        bi_disp: int
         dispersion value for bilateral filter, default value is 75
        unsharp_sigma: int
         sigma value for unsharp mask, default is 2
        eq_grid_size: int
         grid size for equalization, default value is 2
        eq_sigma: int
         sigma value for equalization, default value is 32
        eq_mean_value: int
         mean value for equalization, default value is 128

        processed_img: np.ndarray
         processed image
        # correct dark shading
        cor_img = self._correct_dksh(img, gain_map)

        # apply bilateral filter to reduce noise
        cor_img = self._bilateral_filter(cor_img, bi_kernel_size, bi_disp)

        # apply unsharp mask to enhance edge
        cor_img = self._unsharp_mask(img, cor_img, unsharp_sigma)

        # equalize distribution
        cor_img = self._equalize_distribution(cor_img, eq_grid_size, eq_sigma, eq_mean_value)

        # level pinning
        cor_img[cor_img>255] = 255
        cor_img[cor_img<0] = 0

        # return
        return cor_img

Since it is necessary to process the Left/Right image, it is necessary to determine whether the input image is Left or Right by the file name and replace the Gain Map. Here is the one implemented in consideration of them. To make it easier to keep track of which images have been processed, we also return a Folder list of images.


def run_process(self, bi_kernel_size: int=5, bi_disp: int=75, unsharp_sigma: int=2, \
        eq_grid_size: int=2, eq_sigma: int=16, eq_mean_value: int=128 ) \
        ->([str], [np.ndarray]):
        """ Run process for all images
        bi_kernel_size: int
         kernel size for bilateral filter, default value is 5
        bi_disp: int
         dispersion value for bilateral filter, default value is 75
        unsharp_sigma: int
         sigma value for unsharp mask, default is 2
        eq_grid_size: int
         grid size for equalization, default value is 2
        eq_sigma: int
         sigma value for equalization, default value is 32
        eq_mean_value: int
         mean value for equalization, default value is 128

        file_path_list: [str]
         processed image file path list
        proc_imgs: [np.ndarray]
         processed image data

        # image data stocker
        proc_imgs = []

        # run process
        for idx, filepath in enumerate(self._filepath_list):
            img = self._raw_imgs[idx]
            loc = helper.loc_detector_from_name(filepath.split('/')[-1])

            if loc:
                # left side
                proc_img = self._core_process(img, self.left_gain_map, \
                    bi_kernel_size, bi_disp, unsharp_sigma, eq_grid_size, \
                    eq_sigma, eq_mean_value)
                # stacing
                # right side
                proc_img = self._core_process(img, self.right_gain_map, \
                    bi_kernel_size, bi_disp, unsharp_sigma, eq_grid_size, \
                    eq_sigma, eq_mean_value)
                # stacing
        # return
        return self._filepath_list, proc_imgs

Finally, I will show the definition of DualPixel class that has these functions as Method, and finish this time.


import helper
import cv2
import numpy as np

class DualPixel(object):
    def __init__(self, filepath: str, ext: str, dsize = (2016, 1512)):
        """ Initialize DualPixel class
        filepath :str
         pass project folder path to read raw images
        ext: str
         describe the file extention name
        dsize : (width: int, height: int)
         raw image size after resizing, not orifinal image size

        self._filepath = filepath
        self._ext = ext
        # image size
        self._img_width, self._img_height = dsize

        # read raw image
        self._filepath_list = helper.make_file_path_list(filepath, ext)
        self._raw_imgs = helper.read_img_from_path(self._filepath_list, self._img_width, self._img_height)

        # initalize gain_maps
        self.left_gain_map = np.zeros((self._img_height, self._img_width, 3))
        self.right_gain_map = np.zeros((self._img_height, self._img_width, 3))

Next time will be the end of the preprocessing part.

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