Hello. This is an example of a function that searches the nearest neighbor data from a given point using MongoDB + Python (pymongo) (assuming `` `2dsphere``` indexing).
Also given, and if nothing is searched, definedno_data
I tried to return. Changed to use the recommended api[^1]。
[^ 1]: In this example, if you use `$ geoNear```,
.count ()
``, it is currently deprecated. You can also refer to "MongoDB Geographical Spatial Index Query Organization".
NO_DATA = {}
def 2dsphere_near():
point = [135.0, 35.0]
query = {"loc": {"$nearSphere": {
"$geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": point},
"$maxDistance": 1000}}} # in meter
for nearest_data in mycollection.find(query).limit(1):
return nearest_data
return NO_DATA